
Feb 09, 2005 10:04

Last night, I had a relapse. I played WOW for 6 hours straight.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my easy days. I have database on those days, and a lab every other week on Tuesdays. Because they're so undstructured, I think I have a problem keeping myself in order. I think I need to start going into the lab and stuff on those days, to get a sense of accomplishment going.

The day started as I got up earily. I expected to go to lab today, but didn't, apparently. I checked my email, and the professor said we didn't have it today. I was like "sweet". I was up at like 9ish, so I went out and got some breakfast, and figured, also, that maybe I'd get some WOW stuff in (guild maintance stuff), and maybe a bit of playtime in. However, just like every other tuesday, I forgot about the weekly Tuesday maintaince when they bring down all the servers. So, that was a bit frustrating.

I was reading up on some stuff, and updating, when of all people, my roomate came in (haven't seen him since friday). It was nice to see him. He's in One Flew over the koo-koo's nest at the players club, starting on Thursday. He's playing B-B-B-B-Billllly Bit.

It seems the school asked him if he wanted to be an RA. I personally wasn't so sure about that, because if you know my roomate, you'd know that he is a BUSY man. However, the school asked him and another person if they'd be RA's for howell hall, where the media center is. Thats going to be special interest housing for people who want to be on the paper. The plott thickens.

When he orrigonally passed the idea by me, I started thinking about being an RA too. Not to follow in his footsteps, but perhaps to help people out, and at least, get free room. That'd be nice. I do miss the sense of community we had in Turrell.

But anyway, we went to lunch after that, as on tuesdays we usually meet up with the Andrews. We chatted for a bit, and he gave me his version of his opening speech. I had a good laugh, but I'm not sure if his residents would at thier first go. Probably what he was going for.

He told me that he thinks I might make a decent RA. I'm a big guy, scary looking, and have a deep voice. Note that "Scary looking" is not the same as "intimidating", he pointed out my mistake later. :p

So, when I got back, the servers were up, and I started playing. I think I played for a long while, without intending too. I think I played thourgh a bit of database, and then decided to do some work until database was over to hand in my homework. When I got back, I got on again, and my guild mates asked me if I wanted to do a BFD run (instance). I needed to go there, so I did.

We started at 6, and ended at 9. Its a long instance, but a suprsingly short walk (after dying three times, I got to reflect on this). Afte rthat, I went on a recruting run, and got two more members that seem pretty orriented in what we want, but I think it too alot longer than expected. Oi. Z got on, because apparently I left AIM on saying I was at Class, and spammed me out. She wanted me to see her new banner for her company, "lazy beagle productions". It was cute. I'm glad she got me off, becuase it must have been 12:30 when I got off. =le sigh=

Because of this, also, I didn't get to go to the personal trainer. I figgured I'd do it a bit after dinner, but the instance ran longer than I thought. (In previous entries, I said I'd go on monday, but clearly it was packed). We have training tonight for the new managers, and tommarrow, so that means I'll only have time on friday, unless I try to do it on Thursday before class...

That might actually work out. Work out....I just made a funny.

So anyway, because of this, I forgot to do my Writing homework. And it was one I was looking forward too as well.

Had my physics exam this morning, and I think I did ok on it. Just ok. Stupid Gauss can kiss my ass. You'd think after this many years, they could have made his formula easier. Prof. Hoyle was nice enough to give a few of us some extra time, which I tried to utilize well. But then I was 25 minutes late for English, which the teacher definately noticed.

On my rushing out, one of the shoulder straps on my laptop bag gave way, and Audrey (I named my computers for record purposes, and because I believe inadiment objects are real for some reason. Gives a connection. And NO, all my computers have not been female), fell about a foot and a half. Right now, I have her running scan disk, chcking for disk problems, and then finishing the backup that I've been putting off. Scared the crap out of me though, and I'm going to ducktape those freaking straps. I hate how they're always doing that, but I've never dropped the laptop before. It appears though, that I'm lucky today. When it fell, it was only with a mild thud, because the bag is very well padded.

Well, I have training tonight, so I have to be there. It should be interesting. We're going over linux basics, so this is where I tend to shine. Also, when I get back, I'm going to do my special thing I wanted to do yesterday for the anniversery of the boyscouts. I feel bad that I didn't do it yesterday, but I hope maybe to make amense.

Alright, well, see you tonight then.
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