Jun 28, 2013 21:34
I got out to the Oakmont Greek Food Festival and had a very tasty dinner and grabbed a few pieces of assorted baklava for the weekend... I'm thinking it would go nicely with coffee in the morning, so I gave into temptation and ate the apricot baklava, it was amazing! I am tempted to drive back down and get more. I think I enjoyed it more than the Tuxedo mousse cheese cake and that was delish...
If the rain holds off I'm heading out to trail ride and if it doesn't I'm sewing things and cleaning the office/spare room/storage area. I also need to trim a few of the plants back... I think the basil is getting way too big, it takes up the whole window and blocks almost all the sunlight, usually my basil doesn't do well so I'm probably going to be making more pesto and freezing a bunch for later when I don't have it.
The honey/thyme yogurt came out pretty good but the rosemary/honey is a better taste combo for yogurt. I may try the basil in yogurt since it does well in ice cream and I need to get more ginger since I've had request for ginger ice cream.
I may try to get some writing done this weekend since I still have a few characters dangling in a bad spot that I should really resolve...
oddly enough I fell pretty content tonight, so much better than how I was feeling... now to do something productive!