So today I was ringing up a customer and on the inside of his right wrist was something I hadn’t seen in years… he had a watcher tattoo from the Highlander TV series, of course I had to say something and he was surprised I recognized exactly what it was and even said something to his wife. I thought it was pretty cool, it’s nice to see little reminders of my old favorites around from time to time…
Now for the annoying stuff…
Why did I move back? As much as I love my family I’ve been here a month and I’m going crazy. I’d like some time to myself, I’ve been volunteered to take my niece driving, I’ve babysat, I’ve been manual labor, I’m sort of expected to taxi around my sister’s kids or my parent’s elderly neighbor when she doesn’t feel like driving, I’ve loaded and unloaded truck loads of food for the local food pantry and the church (who’s views on my lifestyle aren’t flattering) plant sale, I’ve put together one of those huge umbrellas after hauling it and the 220+ pounds of sand for the base onto my sister’s deck, I was told not to worry about finding a job right away but less than a week after moving in I was being pressured to get one, which I managed to do in just a few days, I don’t seem to have any privacy as well as a multitude of other things…
I really hope that when I’m actually in school this dies down a bit because I will need time to study between shifts at my job. I’m also having an issue with going from 25K and benefits to $8.50 and hour with maybe 20 hours a week and heaven help me if I get hurt of sick because I’m SOL with no health insurance now…
I finally have a day off tomorrow where I had nothing planned but going for a run, doing some yoga, filling out more paperwork for financial aid and maybe relaxing and trying to catch up on some personal stuff and mom decided I’m fixing my great uncle’s car.
There is a little bit of a story to this, my dad can fix anything that moves and before he retired he taught mechanics for the NYC Transit Authority and between helping him and the fact that I’ve owned a number of shit cars over the years I’ve gotten pretty good at fixing things myself… my dad has an intense dislike for my great uncle and refuses to do anything for him but he’s one of my mom’s last living relatives and mom tries to help him out when she can. His car is having issues passing inspection and it seems tomorrow is the day I will be trying to get it sorted out enough to get it to pass…
I really love my family but sometimes I feel like I need a break and it’s only been a month. I find myself going running more often just to get away for a bit and maybe listen to music I like instead of my dad blaring his favorites or channel surfing, I swear they man can’t go 10 minutes without having to see what else is on… and most of what he settles on is stuff I can’t stand so I’ve been reading, working and trying to figure out how I’m going to afford school since I don’t seem to qualify for help. I have one last avenue to try and if that doesn’t work out I have no idea what I’m going to do.
As much as I know I needed to make changes and get into a new career path I’m wondering if this was the best option, it was the most fiscally prudent move but I’m remembering all the reasons I left. At least they aren’t pressuring my for more grandkids I think they realize that isn’t going to happen since I’m 44, single and not really looking for a partner actively at this time.
I’m hoping that the novelty of me being back wears off and we can all get into some sort of routine that gives me a little “me” time. I don’t mind helping but this is getting to be a bit much…
I’m also getting tired of dad teasing me or bringing up my ex’s… it’s been over 5 years since I left D, dad can stop harping on it… I almost don’t want even try to find someone because I really don’t need to hear about it if they don’t like who I pick., it may be easier just to not deal with it anyway and work on getting through school as fast as I can so I can start a new career and move out again…
This will all work out because it has too at this point, I have no other cards to play.
Now I’m off to take my mind off this by reading a little fan fic… I think it’s an Avengers sort of night… there has to be a good Loki fic to entertain myself with for a bit…