the tide is rising; but time is standing still

Feb 20, 2008 00:31

Valentine's Day Weekend. <3

What can I say? It...wasn't something to be easily described;; But I'll try. =)

Friday Night
As Timm so kindly harrassed, I waited until the absolute last minute to pack. And by last minute, I mean 5 pm. When we planned on leaving town at 7pm. *palms forehead* So I pack in a VERY hurried rush. And as I go to walk out MY door at 6:10 pm, it occurs to me, I don't remember where I left my creditcard. That I have to have to check into the hotel. *doh* After myself and my mother look for twenty minutes (having to unpack all my bags [[mind you, valentine's mom's probably scarred for life now..=P]]....).. the card was found in a pocket of pants i'd worn earlier that afternoon. *double doh*

So we leave. Finally. Make it to the beach. Get to the hotel. Really all I'm going to say about the hotel is this.
a) I personally don't recommend ever making reservations at Avista Resort @ Myrtle Beach. Ever. If it's the only hotel with vacancy, sleep in your car. Staff = rude, and well, useless would be an understatement. Honestly. 
b) A pretty much summed it up.

So we end up not taking our reservations, but was assured my credit card was credited back and was paid the other half of my deposit back;; and went off venturing for a hotel. Now, having not been from the Myrtle Beach area;; and not from the SC state period, mind you, my car = jackpot for all SC officers. I miss one turn, change my mind at the last minute (which, is a common thing in NC) and I get pulled for potential DUI (woohoo, I'm a Hilton now)... So I see blue lights. *palms forehead AGAIN*

"License and registration please"..
"Sure, just a second please sir, I need to find them. *scrambles* Is there a problem officer?"
"You seem to be all over the road, have you been drinking tonight?"
..*heads desk* I explain I'm lost. And ask the officer for directions. He's really laid back and cool for a state trooper. =)

So yeah;; my first pull over; was for missing a turn. Hawt. =P

Anyway, we end up finding a hotel, Court Capri. They actually, we kinda sweet. In the quaint, simple kinda way. Had a bed, had a shower, had a fridge. And a TV so I could watch Clemson whip up on...=P (hehe, loves you.....)

Regardless, Finally got some sleep...=)

Rise and SHINE! We crashed 2AM late. And after driving all night, the 7:30 wakeup wasn't welcome =o{ from the marathon outside our hotel. What fools are up that early to run anyway? So we end up getting up. We take a nice walk on the beach. We go eat at Friendly's...which..if you're curious...yeah;; the french toast? it's got cinnamon in it =P The server wasn't sure. But anyway. yum yum breakfast. We start heading back. Go chill on 2nd Ave Pier. SEE DOLPHINS <3. Super exciting. If you've seen my MS page, you know I'll sit and watch for dolphins, so that was like, *explodes*. =D

After the pier..we walk backs somemores. Go to Ripley's BION. That was pretty trippy. And the 4D theatre. IT SNOWED!! =D And we hit up the gay dolphin..they still have the glass dolphins. *misty eyed* ah-tear.

Back to the room for napping-clemson/state game-getting ready for going out that night-beaching =)

we beached a bit. I got in the water. oh freeezzzing. timm was brave. And got in up to his knees. couldn't QUITE get him to dive like me. =P we'll blame that on him having common sense =P then we went to the warmmm pool. yay. then it was out and about for haunted housey and arcades dinner. =) and back to the hotel for sleepy. <3


Up!! Super early. =) =P...few hours later. Sheets = the devil. Poor timm got a like.. allergy attack by them =( scared me to death and then some. =( Didn't make for a happy girlfriend. But he ended up okay =) We played on the beach some more. Then in the ocean. Again, mr. common sense wouldn't dive with me =P

Off to Broadway to go to see the fishies and sharks and stuff. =D Great pictures...will pic spam later upon request. =) Then food stuffs!! mm bestest tuna ever. <3

then I find out the hotel NEVER credited my card back >o( and i got cranky for a bit. but we went back to broadway & had super fun. Then we (attempted) to head home.

oh boy. we made it to bennettsville. and it started to rain. and okay, SC doesn't believe in streetlights. =/

or nonbroken sidewalks. lol. i turn too soon, and blow a tire. fortunately, it was at a best western, where we were stopping for directions. we try changing the tire, in a huge ass puddle; it starts lightning..and much for that. AAA couldn't schedule an apt 'til at least 6am (mind you, this was at like, 12:30 am).. so we pretty much had to get a room there (thankies daddy <33) and had to wait 'til morning to get my car all fixed up. that was the worstest storm EVER. like, my spare tire was still sitting outside of my car...incase it lightened up 'nough to change...and when it was settled we were staying..i went to put it in my trunk..and it'd started floating down the parkinglot, and the water was like halfway up my shins. it was insane. the thunder was so loud =(

but we made it through!!

and got home safe monday. <3

all in was a great trip. tons of great pictures. <3

super fun;; super time. great pictures. great memories. definately funny stories to tell. and even looking back at it; it's totally giggle worthy. <3

valentine, love, beach, life

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