From Twitter 04-20-2011

Apr 21, 2011 03:09

  • 16:26:46: 75 minute swim. And here I thought I didn't want to do anything today.
  • 16:28:04: ...Why is it that I get better cell reception in the parking garage than the building it's attached to?
  • 16:29:02: Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?
  • 16:30:44: I say this as someone who lived in a dorm that involved half the concrete and couldn't get ANY coverage at all.
  • 16:32:21: Then again, those things seemed purposely designed to make life harder in every way, so...
  • 16:33:50: Excuse me while I tweet pointless non sequiturs for a while because I don't relish going home just yet, btw.
  • 16:35:35: The reason being that the younger sib is in very deep @#%* and can't avoid the 'rents much longer.
  • 16:36:33: Not with the law, tho, in case anyone wondered.
  • 16:37:15: Damn, I wish I had enough money to move out AND afford food. -_-;;
  • 17:21:30: (sigh) No help for it, I guess.
  • 21:37:16: #ebz We can't get enough gas down here, see. So you know what we burn for heat? ... sinners.

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