Kirameite Yurameite Aoki Umi Maihanatsu~

Jan 23, 2007 15:26

Ugh, I feel terrible. Not physically, but mentally. Just... ugh. I don't even know why. I think it's a combo of spending most of my time by myself, stress, and paranoia, but gawd I just feel awful.

I watched the first two Star Wars movie this weekend. They were quite delicious. Indeed. <3 It also increased my dislike for Eragon a bit. Ruh roh Raggy. Han Solo makes me lol with his semi-Gaston-ness. UR A SCOUNDREL SOLO >:(
Luke is a dork. For srsly.

I am busy. Very busy. I've gotten myself entangled in the adoptable business making Resident Evil and Silent Hill dogs, but they didn't sell well. I made Organization XIII dogs and put a small note saying that I took customs for a price of 10k PG ( the site's currency; this is quite cheap) and all of a sudden I'm drowning in a sea of requests. I guess I'm more popular than I thought...?
I also need to work on my animation. Said requests made me not have enough time to work on it on Sunday.
And I keep getting distracted by paintchats and roleplaying on them. I love you guys, LC and Spazzu, but I'm not sure if I can do it as often while I'm this filled up with work.
Of course, this combined with real life stress and work just makes me feel miserable.

Errr I got Fatal Frame, but I haven't had a chance to play it. I am reserving one hour of my time today for that. Yay. I'm so addicted to horror games.

The fact that the thought "D'aww, Demyx/Cynthia is cute" actually passed through my head last night is somewhat disturbing. It does confirm my suspicion that I have a thing for Horrible Ugly Monster/Young Attractive Normal Person pairings, though. Urr... is that weird? It's like some kind of Beauty and the Beast thing. Oh well.

Still. Demyx/Cynthia. Now THAT is a crack pairing. I blame it on Spazzu and Landcow's crazy.

overworked, adoptables, blah, rp, pairings, star wars, depressed

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