Post All Over Your Face, Man

Feb 07, 2007 15:37

I'm just posting because I haven't in a while, not because I have anything particularly interesting to say or any art that's particularly interesting to look at. Whee!

I joined an 100 icon thing here. While I've been making icons for ages now, I've never posted them anywhere or made ones for people to take. Yay! According to LC and Spazzu, they're pretty good, but they're my friends, so I can't be sure until I really do put them up. That'd be 100 Silent Hill icons, by the way.

Wrote up some succinct but detailed character descriptions on PonyIsland for people interested in the adoptable characters. Apparently, I'm still pretty good at writing. Yaaaay. <3 If only I could find a good RP on here that didn't require me to procure some kind of instant messaging thing. Awk.
Speaking of the adoptables, they're doing pretty well. Maybe I can stir up some interest in Silent Hill and Resident Evil while I'm at it. Yaaay. :3

Oh, and I've now been playing the first Fatal Frame for a while! Quite a treat. It's terrifying, though - there are a TON of jump scares, so it's cheap horror, but it makes me super tense all the same and mildly reluctant to play it after 3 or 4 o'clock. Miku's face looks squashed. Actually, the graphics aren't all that amazing at all. Or maybe I'm just too used to the elegant realism of Silent Hill now? I don't know. Anyways, I got past the first chapter, the Strangling Ritual. ROOOPES THE ROOOPES. Chyeah y'know? I miss Mafuyu. I liked him a lot. He was doofy but his looks won me over. Ararar. I get the feeling he dies at the end, though. Or in one of the endings. In that case, I will strive for the one in which he doesn't! I probably won't get it the first time, but the second time I definitely will. Now I've just started the second chapter, Demon Tag, but I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing. Fought that stupid Long Arm Man the second time. Lawd, I hate him, he's so hard to hurt because he sways around like a drunk Tremors worm on the ground or something. THAT LITTLE GIRL STOLE MAH MIRROR CHUNK. Mah HOLY MIRROR chunk. Sheesh, learn some manners! She must be distantly related to Laura. Waiting for her to kick keys just out of Miku's reach now.

Oh BY THE WAY. If you spoil this game for me I will impale your body on the branch of a fir tree and cook you over a flaming pit filled with the bloated corpses of your family. KTHX? ^__________^

The incessant glorification of Sora/Riku/Kairi on KHFFR is starting to annoy me. It's okay to like a pairing, but to constantly champion it as the 'solution' to pairing-related character bashing is annoying.

By the way, brownies are tasty. Just thought I'd let you know.

mafuyu, icons, adoptables, khffr, fatal frame

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