Jan 08, 2007 18:08
So yesterday wasn't really the best of days. After being out too late at Annie's on Sunday, everything just kinda didn't go my way for the rest of the day. I woke up to late to really have any breakfast, so I had to make do with going straight into lunch (a diet no-no). And to make matters slightly worse, My mom got herself and my sisters Teriyaki bowls for lunch. Oh how I love those things... And my sister had to go and rub it in my face that I couldn't eat those anymore.
So that just didn't start my day well. On top of that, I had to work.. which was bittersweet. It all started when I got there. See... for some crazy reason, there's this one girl who for some crazy reason, doesn't like me! And it's fairly genuine. And what's worse is that she tells me that I suck, right when the Asscoiate General Manager is walking by. So of course I had to temporarily defend myself. But WTF you know? Kinda makes me glad that I'm only there for about another week.
So as far as school though, so far... I'm not stressed or worried about my Calc as of right now. Suprisingly enough, the Calculus for Dummies book I got is really helping me out. The stuff I'm not catching in class I'm re-learning in the book, and I just hopes that it keeps going that way. But today in my programming class... holy hell!! We're still reviewing from last quarter... And then got into a little bit of new stuff... But since he says his voice was sore, he was at a whisper the entire day, so it was impossible to hear what he was saying. That wasn't too fun.
So yeah... I'm a little nervous about the whole job transition... but I think everything will go okay... The language barrier is my biggest concern.
Oh yeah, and Annie's chili beans kick ASS!
rfc moment,