[ drabble ] Crêpes Banane [ France/Spain, Hetalia ]

Sep 29, 2009 16:25

Title: Crêpes Banane
Author: frostberryjam
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: France/Spain (Axis Powers Hetalia)
Summary: France and Spain have breakfast. Established relationship.
Author Notes: Inspired by a certain post in a certain community and a certain person who shall remain nameless. (That's a lot of 'certains'.)

Francis cleared his throat, snapping from his fantasy in time to hastily flip over the crepe onto the layered plate without burning it beyond recognition. )

hetalia: france/spain, hetalia, rated: pg-13, type: drabble

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inuyashacooks September 29 2009, 21:24:06 UTC

awwww this was SOOO CUTE <333

france's fantasizing is hilarious XD and “… no. Last I saw of him he was trying to convince Sealand to go home with him”- HAHAH WIN.

by the by, i love your characterization of spain :D


frostberryjam September 29 2009, 22:39:06 UTC
Fruit if sexy, y/y?

Prussia's probably in a ditch with a bullet between his eyes or something. Finland-mama polishes his shiny, glossy rifle while Sealand whines "He was promising me candy!" to Sweden grunting "y're gro'nded."

It's a good thing nations are probably kind of immortal.

Why, thank you. :D


inuyashacooks September 30 2009, 00:06:18 UTC
...XDDDDD THAT'S EXCELLENT. what a strange, dysfunctional family they are :3

it'd just be another one of the many reasons why prussia should be arrested 8D


frostberryjam September 30 2009, 00:44:08 UTC
Dysfunctional but utterly loving, yes? ♥

god I'm going to have to write Prussia/Sealand shota now.


inuyashacooks September 30 2009, 01:29:59 UTC
8D that would be awesome.

and yes, dysfunctional but utterly loving :3 god, actually, for being such a strange combination, i cant get the image out of my head of them being one of those "leave it to beaver" type families XDDD finland would make such an EXCELLENT 50s mother.


frostberryjam September 30 2009, 01:41:31 UTC
Leave it to Beaver style? xD Hahaha. Finland trying to vacuum wearing a strand of pearls and high heels? Probably not. I think we'd see Sweden doing that first.

Someone's going to kill me for all this shota. *dies* I leave my fic legacy to the world!


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