NaNo 2013 Feels

Nov 30, 2013 12:00

As is the custom, I will be jotting down my thoughts during NaNoWriMo right here. Oh and here's a widget for you to keep track of how I'm doing!

I'm writing a Teen Wolf action/adventure fic with a pretty heavy focus on Scott/Stiles friendship and romance. At least for part of NaNo!

ETA: Well, that story I mentioned right above, Chiaroscuro, came to an end on Nov 15. (Nice timing, eh? Half a month for that one!) So now I'm writing another Teen Wolf fanfic. One in which Scott gets an impromptu sex-change by a spell gone awry and there's no way to reverse the process so if he ever wants to have a male body again, he'll need to transition the contemporary, non-magical way. (I'm terrified. I'm so not familiar enough with trans* themes and communities and everything to pull this off without being offensive. *nervous, shifty glances*)

Last updated: Nov 24, 1:00

October 31, 23:50
Wordcount: 0
This day didn't start in the best possible way. I got out of be only to see that my internet connection had died on me. Thankfully, I think the problem was in the connection rather than my computer because I couldn't connect wirelessly on my phone either, but still, annoying timing. I had an assignment to turn in and some facts to check before going to university and then leaving for the weekend, but, well. That didn't happen. Another annoyance was that I couldn't find the charger to my laptop anywhere. That's a pretty stressful thing to have to contend with right now! Didn't find it before I left. I won't need my laptop until Tuesday or Thursday at one of our write-ins, but I won't be very effective there without a charger because the battery on my laptop only lasts for about 2-3 hours. Bah.

I don't like traveling when it's dark. I mean, I don't care otherwise, but changing trains is a pain in the ass when it's pitch black outside. Bleh. At least the stations are brightly lit, but I'd still like to see when we're about to pull in at a station. Anyways, the trip went fine and I was glad to meet my family and be at my mom's for the weekend. Plus I had a lovely relaxing sauna! The sauna in my apartment building is uncomfortably hot, so I just... sat there in the mild heat now that I had the chance to do so and daydreamed. So lovely.

I've been giddy most of the night, which is a great change from how I've been for a long time now. Hell, 24 hours ago I could still barely believe it's nearly time to start typing again and I didn't really feel like writing. Now I'm practically bouncing in place with excitement. I'm going to be writing something I certainly didn't expect to be working on a month ago or even a week ago. I feel so strange but also exhilarated, which is awesome. NaNoWriMo 2013 is starting in a handful of minutes now. Exciting!

November 1, 12:00
Wordcount: 2050
Whoo boy. Had a blast starting at midnight and got 1200 words written in 30 minutes. Not so sure anything I wrote makes much sense, but hey, words on the page! That's a victory in and of itself. Too bad I was exhausted and about to fall asleep so I didn't manage to reach my quota before going to bed. Need to continue later today.

I'm a little worried that I got up at 9 o'clock because I'm supposed to do a fair bit of driving today and I have enough trouble with traffic even when I'm fully awake and alert. Once I get back home, I'll be exhausted again, so we'll see how "wonderful" my prose will be then!

In marked contrast to how things have been most years, I'm in a delighted and calm mood regarding NaNo right now. I usually get hit with frustration and depression on the first day already, but I'm having fun with my dorky idea no matter how implausible it may be, so there's no time for despair right now. Hopefully there won't be for days yet, I need to build up a considerable buffer!

November 2, 00:40
Wordcount: 5260
Woohoo! I've been using more exclamation marks in this post than practically anywhere ever. But it's warranted! I feel fantastic. Although I've been having absolutely terrible luck with all sorts of things other than NaNo. Got a parking ticket and my trusty, beloved watch died on me. :'( And I'm the kind of person who sleeps with a watch on. I woke up a couple of times last night and was incredibly stressed that I couldn't check the time. (Sure there's an alarm clock on the desk further away, but my sight is terrible without my glasses so I couldn't make the numbers out and didn't want to get out of bed just to check.) At least my mother was kind enough to get me a new watch as an early birthday present because I honestly can't function without a watch. I'd go crazy in a day or two.

But back to NaNo. I'm having a blast. Not so sure anything I've written makes a ton of sense, but it's all in good fun. What was less expected was the shippiness jumping up and screaming at me to be written. Oy vey. I like my subtext, but I suck at depicting anything romantic, so I'm very skeptical of where this might lead. I just kept seeing people squeeing about their favorite pairing which is very popular but not to my taste and that made me want to write in my favorite pairing. We'll see how that particular endeavor turns out.

November 5, 22:30
Wordcount: 22695
This is insane. I had a couple of really rough days. I got an anxiety attack the like of which I haven't had in a long time - not because of NaNo itself or my story sucking or anything like that. I was high on the euphoria of having written 10k in two days and having gotten quicker at typing than I had previously been. I was harshly brought down to reality when I realized my speed still pretty much sucks compared to many others'. I had to spend a few days ruminating on the strength of my reaction. I came to the conclusion that even though NaNo is about beating myself, beating my old self and all the doubts always residing in my mind, I'm too insecure to believe in being able to do that unless I'm somehow better than everyone else. Which of course is never going to happen, but the delusion of invincibility or of being better is narcotic. It was a useful reminder to be confronted with that kind of attitude once more; some lessons need to be repeated ad nauseam to be learned. The timing was pretty bad, though.

That said, I've been keeping incredible pace so far. *knock on wood* I've had such an easy time getting several thousand words written every day once I manage to make myself just sit down and start typing. It's unbelievably refreshing and mind-blowing after the nightmare that was this year's Camp in July when I just barely hit 50k. I was writing in Finnish and utterly demoralized by how bad my Finnish has become. Now, I'm just writing with abandon, trying to get to know the characters. Annoyingly, there's now starting to be a lot of word-padding and rambling that does nothing to help the plot along, but I'm optimistic I can make something of this even though I've majorly screwed up some of the timeline and some things are just plain wrong or too vague. I doubt this will ever be for anyone except myself to see, but for the first time in years, I don't hate what I'm writing. I'm curious to see where it will go; I'm not ecstatic about it or anything, but I'm cheerful and hoping to keep up this pace for the foreseeable future. I want to see the story unfolding, but, yeah, there's another reason, too. We're in a word war with four different regions, and since I was one of the people chiefly responsible for us challenging Germany to a word war, our Word War Marshall told me she will murder me if we lose. I don't doubt her. I'd like to keep on living, though, so I'll do my part to help us beat our tough competition! (Oddly enough, at the time I'm writing this, it's Finland's arch-nemesis Sacramento, CA, who is in the lead. And they're so many hours behind us, too! I have to get back to writing now to help my country regain its rightful spot at the top of the list.)

November 12, 1:00
Wordcount: 55160
I have been thinking about writing here almost every day, but... I haven't really had anything new to say. :S I have so far still been able to hit around 5k words every day, which has me staring at the story file (and its dozen back-ups) with great suspicion. This is impossible. I mean... just what. I don't even want to think about going for 90k or 100k, because for some reason those goals still seem to be ridiculously far away even though I'm actually more than halfway done for either goal. Hm.

I could complain about my story and how there are, as usual, thousands of words of pure wordpadding and repetition and how the plot has holes big enough for an elephant to tromp through not to mention the illogical running around the characters have been doing (and seriously if I never have to write about Scott and Stiles getting into Stiles' jeep again, that will be way too soon, they've done that at least two dozen times in this story alone). Despite everything, I am actually pretty ambivalent or even positively surprised about how the story is unfolding and feel that there might be something to salvage after NaNo is over, which is an utterly weird feeling.

For the first time in years, I set out to write a story I had no clue about, just some vague ideas for. It's been great for my creative expression. Sure, the lack of plotting in advance gives me more gray hairs than I'd care for, but on the whole, just having a very general idea as to where the story is supposed to go is liberating. I'm not sure whether there's something that's happened to my overall mental state that has made it easier for me to slam the door on my inner editor or if it's this story. It's looking like I might even get to wrap this story up before NaNo is over, but I'm not going to stop writing, so I guess we'll see then.

I have noticed one thing: much as I have loved writing about adults and (semi-)immortal beings, there's something oddly comforting in writing about teenagers. I have no clue what I'm on about because I was a boring teen, I'm way out of touch with what is cool with teens these days, and I've never been to the US let alone attended high school there, but there's a kind of... safety net, still, to the Teen Wolf setting that isn't there for me when I'm writing about Tales of Symphonia, Mass Effect, Sherlock, or any number of other fandoms that I've dabbled in the past few years.

I'm liking that feeling. It probably has a lot to do with what I find so charming about the show itself: the incredibly close friendships and intense relationships. They make me happy, and apparently being happy helps me write. It's ridiculous how much of a revelation that actually is. But hey, it makes me smile. That's all that matters.

November 16, 3:15
Wordcount: 68575
Urgh. I have a horrid headache. Too much stress about university and too little sleep. The story... Chiaroscuro... it finally came to an end last night. A horrible, sappy, atrociously written end because I can't write endings, but an end nonetheless. I really wish I could post the story for the Teen Wolf Rarepair Repopulation November challenge, but there's no way that I'd be able to edit and post the story in November, and even more to the point, I don't think I can salvage it. I don't think I got the characterization quite spot on and the plot still has holes big enough for an elephant or a blue whale to go through. Sigh.

The last few days have really dragged, wordcount-wise, because the story was coming to an end but I didn't quite know how to just make it end so it just kept going like a slug through tar. I'm not stopping here, though; my whole plan, from before I got the bright idea to make Stiles a werebat, was to write a collection of stories for my hurt/comfort bingo card. Well... I'm not so sure Chiaroscuro would count, and the fic I started working on now also probably doesn't. So I'm writing but still failing to do what I set out to do. Bah.

Speaking of Chiaroscuro, though. Whenever I mention I got an idea to write about werebats, everyone just goes, "cool, you can write about how they fly around!". I suppose it's a fair assumption/first impression, but when I say that uh, no, actually the one thing werebats will not be able to do in this story is fly, I just get these long looks like everyone thinks I'm wasting the only real potential the idea had in the first place.

I don't know about anyone else, but to me, being able to fly has always been one of the most annoying superpowers ever. It's too easy. I want something original and more obscure, even if it is a pain to plan it all out. I'm not sure Stiles got a whole lot of awesomeness out of being turned into a werebat, but that in itself was interesting to explore. Maybe I'm just biased, but I'd rather see the characters struggle with the crappy hands they've been dealt and find solutions. The payoff is that much sweeter when the way to it hasn't been smooth and easy.

Now then, time to complain about my idiotic brain getting plotbunnies about stuff I swore I'd never write. The story I'm working on now has trans* themes, sort of, in it. Which would of course be perfectly fine, but I don't have a good enough understanding of what being trans* and transitioning truly entails, what the community is like from the inside. I certainly don't have the time to do such extensive research in November. Even worse, I picked possibly the worst fandom ever to use this idea for because the characters are too damn nice! I turned one character's male body into a female one with magic and will make him transition back to male the "traditional", contemporary way, no magic involved. All the other characters just pretty much shrugged and went, "right, you're still the same guy we've known since forever, who cares what you look like naked". Which is kind of heartwarming, yes, but it doesn't really help me create drama. I plan on sending the characters off to college/university where the guy-who-was-always-a-guy-but-now-is-in-a-female-body has to "come out" as being trans* so that he can begin the transition process. Except I'm not even sure whether he would care that much, in the end! He's so secure in his masculinity, I don't know whether he'd be bothered by the different kind of body. I'm sensing a potential disaster on the horizon... We'll see how this turns out.

November 24, 1:00
Wordcount: 109655
First off: seeing the five-digit number become a six-number one in Word was a real rush. I didn't really even realize what had happened before I saw it. I actually hit 100k! My goal for this month was originally 90k, so I'm just... staggered. This is unbelievable.

Unfortunately, my wrist doesn't particularly like all the abuse I've subjected it to, and I have an exam on Monday I actually want to do well on, so I ought to study for it. Sigh. Still, I was boasting/threatening on the Finnish regional forum to write way more than I have right now, so I need to get back up to speed with NaNo, too. Hmh.

I was right to dread writing the trans*story. I am so ashamed, scared and depressed because of how it's turned out. I really, honestly should never have attempted the story. But now that I did, I sort of deliberately derailed it at the end and started writing about Scott's dad's reaction to Scott being in a female body, married to his male best friend and having two children. What. It's really interesting and cathartic to get to portray a character as a huge jerk, but. Okay, Scott/Stiles stole my heart and brain pretty much from the first moment I started watching Teen Wolf, but why do they end up married or at least engaged in every single one of the stories I've been trying to write about them? Jesus. Well, I guess it's better than one or both of them ending up dead, even though I've really been wanting to use a death-themed song as inspiration for some sort of ficlet with those characters. In any case, I suspect the trans*story will come to an end today, so I will need to find something else to write about for the last week.

thoughts and feelings, nanowrimo

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