just found an unopened box of reeses peanut butter minis at the back of the cupboard. taking the whole bag, a mug of tea and the stargate atlantis s2/boxset to bed because it legit does not get better than this
oh my god he just came back from a quick walk out amidst the horrors to find teyla rescued a bunch of random people other than the guy she said she would rescue and he is FUCKING LIVID. shes getting so slagged off in his diary tonight!
hahahah i forgot that bit in the season one finale where sheppard is properly narked off and stroppy because teyla makes him save a bunch of guys. like hes fully sulking and passive aggressive with her about it, like "this wasnt supposed to be a rescue mission" put upon pout throws a fucking moody like a mardy teen.
we have a plush Kyubey who sometimes comes to sit on the sofa with the popular toys and every now and then one of us will be like whats this murdering piece of shit doing here? and put him back on the chair and just now i was like lol shall we call him john sheppard and mikes like fuck no thats mean to Kyubey
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man, i hate that episode "the defiant one". not because its a bad episode, but because they created a really likeable character in dr gall and he dies HORRIBLY and it sucks to watch every time
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mike just sliced his finger open on the stargate atlantis dvds. this really isnt helping his insistence that john sheppard is a sociopathic murderbeast.
while we were away one of the channels in our hotel room was showing stargate atlantis and sg1 on what felt like a constant loop, with a bit of sanctuary thrown in at odd intervals
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