(no subject)

May 22, 2006 23:09

Okay, that Artz guy on Lost randomly exploding? Hi-larious. Possibly even funnier than Anakin becoming a quadruple amputee or Samuel L Jackson being eaten by a shark. There should be more shows where people blow up for no reason at all. Also where they all get turned into My Little Ponies. Sawyer would make such a cute My Little Pony.

On a related note, although I am in general not fond of kids in shows about grown-up people, Charlie chasing Sawyer around the island with Claire's baby and making Sawyer read carporn to him is so damn cute, I think I might die. Although that may well be because of the afore-mentioned Sawyer-reads-carporn, rather than baby-cuteness.

In other news, XME! Hurrah! I've only seen the first episode so far, but that bit where Todd and Wanda are in the news van and they're watching the tape of the Sentinal falling on Magneto and they see Pietro on the recording and Todd's like, "Pietro! But that means-" and Wanda's all, "Magneto is still alive!" and Todd gives her this look like, "I was about to say 'he betrayed us all', but let's make this all about your Daddy issues, Princess." But obviously he doesn't say that because he's all in love with Wanda, and also she's kind of cranky and mean and stupidly over-powered.

star wars, my little pony, samuel l jackson kicks your ass, xmen evolution, no babies in my tv shows, lost

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