May 19, 2006 22:07
Usually it's pretty cool when you discover that people around you are into something you're just getting interested in - they can tell you stuff and you can borrow their DVDs and laugh about bad things happening to Sawyer together. But then you feel bad because they have Big Important Theories about stuff and they're all like, "the Island represents Purgatory" and then proceed to explain why this means you are not, alas, free from Boone, King of Monobrows, because nobody dies in Purgatory, and you're sitting there thinking, "Man, I would so do Naveen Andrews" and that represents your entire contribution to the fandom.
Also, the Others. Pretty much Reavers, am I right? Only Reavers with a grudge against French people, so good Reavers, insofar as this is possible. Useful, Alliance-slaying movie!Reavers, rather than mean series!Reavers with creepy interior decorating skills.
In other news, my rota is all messed up again and so I have to work this weekend, which combined with the fact that I forgot to ask someone to record the A-Team Reunion Special last night means that someone is going to die. And by "someone" I mean "a bunch of homeless people because nobody cares about them".
On a lighter note, PlayUSA emailed me to let me know that the third season of XME should be winging it's way to me in the near future, so expect much babbling about Pietro and Lance in the coming weeks.
joss whedon,
xmen evolution,
job of doom,