(no subject)

Jul 23, 2004 23:52

The following things are true:

Vests were not invented in 1812.

Lindsey has an Angelus-like evil alter-ego. Fortunatly, he only comes out to play if Angel ever returns Lindsey's feelings, which we all know is less likely than James Marsters appearing on television ever again.

Billy Boyd is at least 80 years old.

Angel is not fat.

At least one of my brothers is evil.

David Boreanaz is a strange, strange man.

The comparisons between Saiyuki and Angel the Series are spurious at best.

Sanzo and Angelus have nothing in common. Angelus (as far as I know) doesn't wear bondage gear under priest's robes. Also, Sanzo is a lot grumpier, doesn't speak in an evil Irish brogue and the chances of him having a nun fetish are fairly low.

I am, however, willing to buy the Kougaji/Lindsey and Gojyo/Spike connection. Though Kougaji is too tall to make a good Lindsey.

Lindsey is the Tom Pullings of the Angelverse.

FAKE 7 has an adult rating for a very good reason. It should also probably not be read in one's local Starbucks, due to the risk of shock-induced choking.

Angel's power resides not in his puppy-dog eyes, pointy hair or socially retardedness, but in his white vest.

Everybody loves young boys in kitty ears.

Stephen Maturin is the Hemulen from the Moomins.

Snufkin is all.

I hate moths.

stephen maturin, moomins, poor ickle lindsey, billy boyd is old, fucking bugs, fake, patrick o'brien, angel is not fat, the angelus brogue, tom pullings, snufkin, angel

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