Jul 22, 2004 19:16
Nearing the end of season four now, and can I just say:
Angelus. Does he bring the funny or what?
"You mean killing the Beast really does bring back the sun? I thought that was just Angel's retarded fantasy." Love his gleeful face when he kills the Beast and is all "I knew it! Damn, I am so cool!" Okay, maybe he didn't say that last part, but I did, watching him.
Not to mention, being forced to relive Angel rescuing that puppy in 'Orpheus' and being laughed at by Faith; his impersonation of Angel when evil!Cordy cast the resouling that wasn't, and that whole scene where he tells Gunn that he knows what happened with Fred's old professor.
Evil!Cordy implying that Angelus is smarter than Angel amused me (poor insulted Angel!). 'Spin the Bottle' is always hilarious - gotta love 17 year old Liam ("You stopped the tiny men from singing!"), and the rerun of Cordy's classic "Hello, salty goodness" line, as well as "I never touched her, I swear!"/"So clearly, deviant!" I miss that Cordy. Plus bonus points for use of the word "homo-erotic".
Faith is as cool as ever, and Willow and Wesley's little Dark-off made me smile. Liked the whole "I'm seeing someone" bit between Willow and Fred (though as much as I hate Fred, she's infinately less annoying than Kennedy. Clearly Willow is still a little bit evil).
Also deserving of a mention is Lorne's scene with Evil!Cordy and the magic 8 ball: "Has Cordy been a bad, bad girl?"/"Definately.". Makes me laugh every time.
Skip is evil?! Oh no! Cried when Angel realised he had to kill Cordy to prevent Connor's evil doomchild from being born, despite actually knowing that it wasn't going to happen. Poor Angel. He really can't catch a break, can he?
Also, Gunn and Electro-Gwen. Didn't see that coming. Still prefer Rogue when it comes to untouchable and gorgeous women. Think it's the Southern accent.
Connor and Angel singing Manilow together = genius. The face of the guy Fred goes to see in the hospital still freaks me out. The Jasmaniacs are creepy as hell.
All in all, this season seems a lot better than I remember it being, though I still think Gunn was dead-on when he described it as a "turgid supernatural soap-opera". Could have used a few funny, light-hearted stand-alone episodes along the lines of "Dead End".
I'm going to miss Angelus's nun fixation.
angelus's nun fixation,