(no subject)

Dec 22, 2010 19:55

Okay, I am home for Christmas, so I have beautiful unlimited access, at last for the next six days.

The following things are super-important:

  • Frogcest. There should be more of it. If you are doing something other than writing Alan/Edgar porn right now, you are making me sad. Seriously dudes, you're like full-on ruining my holiday spirit.
  • Leverage. Lindsey McDonald doing a bizarre impersonation of Daddy Winchester should be massively cringe-inducing, but somehow it is endearing in a sick-and-wrong kind of way.
  • White Collar. If anything, this show is actually GAYER than the internet made it out to be. I love White Collar forever and ever.
  • Santuary. This is mostly average, except for Tessla, who is FABULOUS. He is like, 2.83 times more awesome than Damon fromt he Vampire Diaries, which is quite awesome.
  • Monster Squad. OH MY GOD YOU GUYS WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME ABOUT THIS MOVIE?! I am so in love with this film it is crazed. Also, Andre Gower is exactly what would happen if Keifer Sutherland and River Phoenix had a baby. Trufax.

Anyway, my brother is yelling for me to come down to dinner, so I am going now. WRITE MOAR FROGCEST! I will be back... whenever.

monster squad, leverage, poor ickle lindsey, frogcest, white collar, andre gower, sanctuary, supernatural, 80's madness, keiffer sutherland, corey haim, corey feldman, daddy winchester, vampire diaries, the lost boys

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