(no subject)

Oct 26, 2010 00:22

Dudes, I just finished watching Lost Boys: the Thirst. And it was AWESOME! I mean, okay, there were some quite lame bits (the main vampire baddie, oh my God, such bad acting! Like, so bad he would have gotten kicked off the Lair) but OMG EDGAR! Andandand OMG ALAN! And OMG SAD MUSIC FLASHBACK HAIM! And they hugged and it was AWESOME and then Corey Feldman was like, "That's enough of that" and Alan was like, "Yeah" and they were all AWKWARD with the BOY TOUCHING, omg YOU GUYS! I CANNOT EVEN CONTROL MY CAPSLOCKIN' HAND! THAT'S HOW GOOD IT WAS! I AM HAVIN' A SEIZURE! NO SERIOUSLY DUDES CALL A FUCKING DOCTOR!

the lair, frogcest, 80's madness, vampires yay, corey haim, the coreys, corey feldman, the lost boys

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