(no subject)

Sep 23, 2008 22:13

Hah! I just finished watching that episode of the Tribe where Jack and Dal set up the alarm for the first time and Bray sets it off, and Lex is all, "You are under arrest!" and then Amber comes along and tells them they are all stupid and to go to bed and Bray is like, "But don't you want to interrogate me?" and I'm not kidding, he says it in this really pervy voice and gives Lex a dead saucy wink, and then he looks totally disappointed when it doesn't happen. DUDES I AM TELLING THE TRUTH YOU CAN SEE JACK LAUGHING ABOUT IT IN THE BACKGROUND.

Now I'm watching the one where they have to get nice food for Zandra and Lex's wedding feast and they go out to the farm and meet Alice for the first time, and Lex wants to get cider for his stag night but he has nothing to trade and Alice is all, "How will you make it worth my while?" and then she gives him this look like, IZ RAEP TIEM NAOW PLZ? and Lex is all like, HO NOES I IZ GETTING MARRIED! and Alice is like, "Shame." Then she steals his virtue CD. Bray fumes. Jack laughs. Dal is disgusted by everyone.

In other news, here is some Pointy/Todd porn. You know you want that shit.

stargate, the tribe

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