"Orchids have fascinated people since early times. They have been the symbol of love, luxury, and beauty for centuries. Greeks looked at them as a symbol of virility. The Chinese, as long ago as the time of Confucius, called orchids "The plant of the King's Fragrance." In the middle ages orchids played a major role in herbal remedies. They were also regarded as an aphrodisiac and have been one of the main ingredients in certain love potions. When orchids appear in a dream, they supposedly represent a deep inner need and desire to keep gentleness, delicacy, and romance in ones relationship. "
http://www.orchidlady.com/history.html Alex ^_^
This morning while preparing my cereal, I took my box off the TOP of the refrigerator, the milk OUT of the refrigerator and did my thing in the bowl.
As I was going to put everything back, I accidentally put the MILK on top of the refrigerator and the CEREAL in the fridge.
Not quite sure why I did that, but it makes me wonder what kind of day this is going to turn out to be? What else did I do?
Did I do all of my homework?
Did I leave the stove on?
Did I feed Gizmo after midnight?
I guess I'll find out if I get to my French class and have to turn in something, or if I get home and the apartment has exploded or tiny little Gremlins are running around.....
Something to look forward to I guess...
What I have decided would be really creepy would be if an event like The Ring (or Ringu for you original Japanese movie fans) started to happen right now. I'm faced with 3 giant screens. Two at the front of the room with me (one broad casting my classroom, the other the UCD site) and a screen at the back of the room (broadcasting the UCD site). I can just imagine that creepy little girl starting at the back of the classroom (at the other site of course) and crawling her way towards the front- while I sit here horror struck. And just as she's about to reach the front of the screen from the back of the room, she comes out the screen at the FRONT of the room! Catching me completely off-guard!!
Just wanted to share