xoverland - End of the Beginning

Oct 08, 2010 01:25

Entry for xoverland. This entry will be loosely base on a fic I am working on.

Shows/Movies: Gossip Girl, Blade:Trinity, Eureka, Merlin, Wizards of Waverly Place, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Pretty Little Liars, Nikita

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Characters: Blair Waldorf, Abigail Whistler, Hannibal King, Zane Donovan, Jo Lupo, Merlin, Arthur, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Damon Salvator, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, Aria Montgomery, Ezra Fitz, Alex, Thom, Buffy Summers

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Plotline: Hell has broken loose on earth. The dead are coming back to life. Every monster that you had nightmares exists. Dimensions are being open. The world has become living hell. Everyone is set to defend for them selves. However a group of individuals have fought back the odds. Together they are helping each other to survive and in the process growing together as a new kind of family. A family that will do anything to keep each other alive. Follow the journey how they found each other and how they fought to survive. Between the loses and the gains of living in hell.

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Setting for Show/Movie:
Gossip Girl - The apocalypse takes place a year later of the currently season of GG.
Blade: Trinity - The apocalypse place 5 months after the movie. Involves only Abby and Hannibal's story line.
Eureka - Takes place a year later after the latest season (4.09) AU. Zane and Jo are together.
Merlin - AU Merlin. They are thrown into the future. Part of the one of the dimensions being open.
Wizards of Waverly Place - AU reality.
Vampire Diaries - Takes place after the current season (2.04). Hell breaks loose.
Supernatural - Takes Place after Season 5 finally. Dean never stays with Lisa. Castiel stays with Dean to help him fight this battle.
Pretty Little Liars - Goes with the Season finally. However, everyone Aria and Ezra knew are dead. AU reality.
Nikita - Takes place in the currently season.

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Dean Winchester:
"Dead are coming back from the grave. Don't think just shoot. It's the only way to stay alive."

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""Blair screamed and closed the door behind her. She was being chased by what appeared to be a death person. "This wasn't real, this can't be happening," she thought. She was trapped in the room as she heard the pounding of the monster in the other side of the door. ""

Blair Waldorf: She had it all the life of the privilege before it all went to hell. Blair is the only survivor of this apocalypse from her friends and family. She had been at school when chaos broke. The dead where coming back from the dead and monsters where everywhere. All she had heard from her dorm where screams from outside world. At 20 she had never seen so much death in her life.

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She had to fight. That was the only thing she knew. The vampire wasn't that strong making it an easy kill. But the world was in complete chaos. One vampire wasn't enough.

Abigail Whistler: She was a vampire hunter, straight and simple. She had been doing it for a long time. It was in her blood. After the battle with Drake her and Hannibal where left alone with Zoe. They where all that they had. However, as the world is become pure chaos they need more help than they have.

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They had to fight more than ever know that the world was complete chaos. Him and Abigail weren't enough. They needed to find more hunters.

Hannibal King: Once a former vampire now hunts them down. With Blade gone Hannibal and Abigail have more than they can take. They world is in complete chaos as portals are being open and the dead are coming back to life.

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Jo Lupo:
"You have to fight it."
Zane Donovan:
"I don't think I can't," he screamed in pain.
Jo Lupo:
"You can't leave me alone."

Zane Donovan: He is a smart-mouth scientist in the small town of Eureka. Although, the town is full with genius. The town was the one hit the hardest in the new apocalypse. He and Jo Lupo just made it out alive as the down exploded. However, he wasn't so lucky. Now he fight with himself for self control of something he was expose when all went to hell in Eureka. Now with Jo he is in search of safety and an antidote.
Jo Lupo: She was formally Head of Security at Global Dynamics. Now she is on the run from the world falling apart with Zane. She just escape the destruction of Eureka by being transported out of the towns perimeter with Zane. Now all she could think of is to find a place to hide from the living dead and find a cure for Zane.

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"Where are we."
"I don't know," it was for sure they weren't in Camelot anymore.

Merlin: A powerful wizard, servant to the future kind of Camelot has been send into an unknown land. Confuse and orientated he must protect Arthur from unknown monsters without him finding our that he can do magic.
Arthur: The future kind of Camelot has been send to unknown place to him. Now he must find a way to keep himself alive and his servant and friend Merlin.

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Justin Russo:
"It's not safe to be out here Alex."
Alex Russo:
"I know. I just miss them so much."
Justin Russo:
"I miss them too. But we have to be strong. They thought us to be strong."

Alex Russo: A young wizard is on the run from the complete chaos of the world. She doesn't understand what's going on. All she knows is that her parents, younger brother, and friend is dead. These aren't the monsters that they are use to. These have no remorse. They just go for the kill. Now her and her brother must find a way to survive in this new world.
Justin Russo: A young wizard on the run with his sister. Hell broke lose. His parents where kill right in front of him. These monsters aren't the idiotic creatures he hunts in the wizards world. These creatures are cruel and vile. They just kill to kill. He is way over his head.

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They where all around her. They just appeared out of no where. She had never seen so many in her life.

Buffy Summers: She is the chosen one. She is chosen to kill vampire and demons and this might be her greatest challenge yet. This apocalypse isn't like any she had face. And she will have to find out the hard way.

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Tyler Lockwood:
"I am suppose to kill you."
Caroline Forbes:
"I did nothing wrong and you know we need each other right now. More than ever in this hell."

Caroline Forbes: A young vampire. Just in time when the world started to burn. She use to be full of life and care free. Now she must work along with others to survive.
Tyler Lockwood: He had turn into a werewolf not long. Realizing that his friends are vampire and the world is in complete chaos he has to find a way to control his temper and survive.

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He remember how her lips felt. How her eyes just looks at him with regret. Now there was nothing left but he memory of her.

Damon Salvator: The vampire that the only thing he wanted was someone he could trust is now in a world where trust is something that is slowly becoming extinct. He has lost everything, his brother and the women they both loved. He must find a way to protect the only people that are left from something worse than him.

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Dean Winchester:
"What the hell is going on Cas. I thought that we stopped this. Sammy stop freaking Lucifer."
"We did stopped it. This is something else."
Bobby Singer:
"What do you mean something else."
"I mean something not related to Lucifer."
Dean Winchester:
"Stop talking in riddles. My brother sacrifice himself for this crap not to happen."
"Not all evil originates from Lucifer. This is something else. Dimensions are being broken. The angels are in chaos also. This trigger by something else."

Dean Winchester: A hunter raise since he was young is now to make more sacrifice. With just loosing his brother, he doesn't know if he could take more of the chaos that is life. Here comes another apocalypse.
Bobby Singer: A old hunter, thrown into the life like every other hunter. However, he doesn't know if he can take more of the chaos.
Castiel: An angel from heaven posted in earth after an apocalypse to be thrown into another one. War is all he has known. However, he will discover that feeling is a key role in surviving.

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Ezra Fitz:
"We have to keep going."
Aria Montgomery:
"They are all gone," she couldn't focus. She just saw them all die one by one. She was all cover in blood.
Ezra Fitz:
"We can go back," he looked in her deep brown eyes. He was confuse in what was happening the world was in complete chaos. Everyone was dying around him. He did the only thing he could think of in that moment. He had graved her hand and ran. There was nothing they could do for the rest of them. It was only them now.
Aria Montgomery:
"I am scared Ezra."
Ezra Fitz:
"Me too."

Aria Montgomery: Just a normal girl living in a town full of gossip and lies will learn that non of that is important. It didn't matter. Now she is on the run of her life with the one man she thought she could never have for their survivor in this live horror movie.
Ezra Fitz: A teacher who though who had problems by falling in love with his high school student is going to realize that it's the least of his problems. Now the only thing he has to worry is that they survive.

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"Why did you stayed behind. You could have been in haven now."
"You wouldn't have been there."

Alex: An assassin in training is left behind when hell breaks loose. Now she must use her training to survive and use the facility that was left behind to help as many people she can. And hope that her mentor is alive somewhere in this hell.
Thom: An assassin in training stayed behind to help Alex and hope to tell her how he feels. Falling in love in this chaos was the only thing keeping him sane and giving him something to live for.

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show: vampire diaries, show: pretty little liars, show: wizards of waverly place, show: nikita, type:picspam, show: eureka, show: merlin, show: supernatural, movie: blade, maker:dhfreak, show: buffy, show: gossip girl

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