And time just passes on by...

Jun 09, 2009 23:28

You would think that as a watchmaker I would be sick of time, and never want to talk about it, but it's one of the few things in the world that always manages to hold my attention with a certain amount of fascination.

Does time actually exist, or are clocks the only thing that truly do? Do we harness time, or does time harness us?

I was thinking about it the other day, about how man invented clocks essentially to be able to count and manage time. But before that, what did they do then? Obviously they had the sun, of course, but they didn't know that when it was in one position that meant that it was noon, or when it was in another position, that meant that it was almost five. They must have just used the sun as a gage to see when it would get dark, but other than that, I'm sure it didn't matter in the same way that it does today. Time, that is, not the sun. I'm sure that they didn't say to their children that when the sun came to be in a certain position it would be time for lunch or dinner, or when it was in another position, it was time for their baths like they do today.

It's truly amazing just how bound by time we are in today's society. We have a time we get up in the morning, and a time when we go to bed. A time for work to start, and often a certain, set time for when meetings are to be held. A lot of people have set times for when they are to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner too, and even TV and movies are bound by time. Time is always an issue, whether you have too much of it on your hands or not enough. No matter which of those you have though, it's always a problem.

I wonder what would happen if for a week we could all just live without the restraints of time, and we just went with what our body told us to. We'd wake up when our bodies felt rested, and go to bed when our bodies were worn. We'd work when our minds told us it was ready to work, and finish when it was done. Eating would be something we'd do not because it was time for a certain meal, but because we were hungry. And another thing when it comes to food, without time we could eat what we wanted whenever we wanted it without feeling bad because it wasn't the "correct" type of food for the that meal of the day.

Relationships are another thing that are far too often bound by time. People always want to know how long you've been together, like it's the most important thing to determine how serious the relationship is. Those in a relationship worry if things are going too fast or too slow based on the amount of time they've been together. Saying 'I love you' is hugely based on the amount of time you've know the person and been with them, no matter how quickly, or slowly for that matter, the feelings arise.

I wish that relationships could be solely based on what you feel. If I love someone I want to tell them no matter how long we've been together. The same goes for if I want to move in with or marry someone. Time should have anything to say on those matters.

When you look at it all like that, it really does seem as though time is the one that harnesses us, rather than we being the ones that harness time.

I sound horribly bitter though. Huh. Maybe I really am sick of time.

what: rambly gabriel is rambly, verse: open, what: journal entry

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