This week was a pahdy.
I got shitfaced from two glasses of wine.
And,I got laid and it was really really good.It's fair to say i'm not gay.
"thanks for sticking your dick in my hole." [maniacal laughing]
"....thanks for the company?"
I really sweep them off their feet huh?
My time spent in Portsmouth was really fun too and I met the nicest girl.She wears grandma glasses.It's hard to put the goofiness of them past her but she's really really charming.seacoast hipsters are weird.
It's definately refreshing to meet new people and see some of the old.
I'm doing a thesis paper on Gloria Steinem.
My thesis is something like, "Gloria Steinem signifigantly contributed to the American Feminist Movement with her work as a journalist and as an activist."
Some of her ideologies are really interesting.
She has some theories on family structure and gender and how it shapes politics.
personal is political?they're all kind of grassroots ideas.
She's really intelligent.I'm really into my paper but uh,not lately.
I have nothing else to say.