welp, they said it, and they were right
"it'll be here before you know it"
and sure enough, it's already the 9th of oct and i didnt see it comin' !!
17 days 'til i land in cali :D ***tooo excited
last night i made my pouch for my twink costume. it's adorable..pictures up soon, im sure.
i heard something about chronic fatigue syndrome on the way to work today, so i googled it and here are the links i found :
Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia similar Hope for ME sufferers as scientists say chronic fatigue disorder is caused retrovirus "The XMRV virus is a retrovirus, like the HIV virus that causes AIDS. As with all viruses, a retrovirus copies its genetic code into the DNA of its host but uses RNA - a working form of DNA - instead of using DNA to do so."
the dr on the radio talked about new technologies allowing them to check out the strands that cause the disease..they narrowed it down, if you will.. i suppose. in the second article it mentions something about possibilites of "curing" or helping jet lag.. that'd be cool.
also heard that obama won the nobel piece prize..
"Oslo - US President Barack Obama has won this year's Nobel Peace Prize, it was announced in Oslo on Friday. "
LINK there was something else i was interested in this mroning, but i forget...hmmm.....
*shrugs* i took my medicine on time last night, so hopefully ill be awake today the new eye drops the allergy dr gave me didnt hurt so bad last night, so maybe it was just the innitial sting to clear things out... tonight, i take four boys to cubscouts. lol should be interesting. it's at some church, and it's a sleep over for the kids, but i dont think we're sleeping over? lol there will be animals and such for them to play with and im sure tons of other things... so we'll see. debating whether to take my camera..my lil' panasonic doesnt do it for me anymore...... :( i used it last wkend with aryn on our adventures, and i didnt get the quality or results i wanted.hm. i mean, it took pictures, and i got some good shots. i just missed carley. ha ha ha
last wkend was fun. wasn't a hard trip, but very mellow and feel good. we took a walk in the woods...lots of climbing and trees. and small dogs hunting for deer. swings came into play later on that night, and it was relaxing... aryn and i just talked about ..god knows what.lol sorry honey, i dont remember the ramblings atm. hehe then chad brought good music and we went to waffle house for some delicious GRUB. And that BED .. her sister's bed was heaven !! D:
chris made the trip to LA safely. we currently have talked like every day since he left almost.just bullshitting and him telling me about the apt situation..that they'll work with him to pay things off, and it wont go to collections so my credit wont be dingd. he's on the 'jealousy' kick... few wkends ago when we were hanging out he showed me some of his ex's..and im jsut like why? and it still comes up a bit when we talk.. i think it's cause i told him i had a hot date for that one fri night LOL i did ! she's hot !! and it was a date to go to the movies.. but nothing of interest, we're just friends.but he didnt have to know that. goodness ! am evil. :| **rolls* two days ago he got on the phone with me and asked when i was coming down to visit. haha! i was like do you think that's agood idea?? lol he's just missing me. already. and going thru withdrawls of his wonderful drugs.. he cant sleep at night, but keeps himself super hyper during the day so he can make money so work wont fire or get rid of him or make him move back.
maxwell writes randomly. asking what im doing on certain days..usually less than a day in advanced.lol he wrote and asked what i was doin' friday night.and i told him im busy thru supper time, then i dont know... and i asked why, do you wanna take me out? and his exact response was: "Ha well we can see whats going on i am off at 8 or so" i dont think i like that response....lol i like he used "we" ..but leaving me to chance isnt going to get him anywhere. am not going to write him..we'll see what he does.
scarlett's talking to me a lot more. i now see why she wants to quit her job.lol there's a parttime job with ikon i think might work for her, so i gave her the requisition number and told marcus. we'll see what happens... she'd be able to work both jobs..since the kid she works with is in school during the day.
i keep orderingthings off ebay for halloween costume. i hope i have somewhere to wear it to !! goodness.
i must work now. it's quarter after 7 heh