Untitled Poem and Incoherant Ramblings...

Oct 08, 2011 04:25

Uncontrolled sobs well up
Wretched from unwilling eyes
Seemingly random
Unless you see what I see
and know what I know
Inside jokes
Shared loves
Sometimes the good times
No longer
And never again
Are what hurt the most...

I don't write... and I mean I NEVER write so I have no idea where in Hell this came from or why I felt compeled to write it down and share it but there you are... Chalk it up to being overly emotional from stress and lack of sleep which is a result of the combination of insomnia, work, school, homework, voice acting, babysitting, podficcing, driving family to and from the airport and a whole long list of other things that have resulted in my not having slept in over 48 hours and despite that STILL not being able to sleep in the 4 free hours I have left before I have to be at work for another 10 hour day... Haven't even had time for any tv and am woefully behind on all of my shows... See now I'm just rambling and leaving you with an obnoxiously long run-on sentence but at this point proper grammer and punctuation are not really high on my list at this moment in time so I will go off and find myself some fics to read and hopefully the Vivaldi I have on in the background will be calming enough that I can at least rest even if I can't fall completely to sleep...

ramblings, insomnia, random, sad, original, poem, blah

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