In sickness and in health...there is mah Battlestarz Gaylactica!

Dec 04, 2007 15:31

Currently on antibiotics, I feel absolutely better, now that my sore throat's (a bit) gone. I can swallow again, hurrah! And I can get fat again! And I will be able to march on Pride this Saturday! Yesterday, I was down with a high fever and a sore throat that was excruciatingly painful. The doctor ordered a dose of Augmentin every eight hours and voila! Three pills after, I feel better than I ever have in two weeks!



BSG ROCKS MY SOCKS! I just watched "Razor" care of projectjulie and I am very happy with its femslashiness, though it was subtle as it always will be. Kendra Shaw is my new lover --the Australian accent killed me! Gina is loveliness beyond whoa and her conversation with Shaw regarding the good admiral had me smiling through my femslash goggles. Cain can have my undies and vise versa. Oooooh, the wonder of it all!

Cain/Gina just made everything juicier; I'd have preferred something more obvious than a few touches and gazes but they got the point across, leaving everything else to my very active imagination. Regretfully, I won't be writing much fanfic in the days to come. Not until I graduate anyway.

I am grateful to Julie for uploading the movie for me. This lil fangirl is the happiest there is today!

Full review of "Razor" in the works. Because femslash is life.

fandom: battlestar galactica

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