You know that thing happening down at LJ? Yeah, Serious Business.

May 31, 2007 13:08

I found this rather funny but I do believe people should be informed. Thus, another set of links. First the fiasco regarding now this.

And this time, it isn't just about the fan ficcers out there. This is for everyone. So miyachan just gave me a heads up on what's been happening on Livejournal as of late...

[Click on the banner, yes?]

A more in-depth view of what exactly is going on:
"Permanent Suspensions", or Strikethrough2007 by catrinella
"This post is an attempt to consolidate information about Six Apart/LiveJournal's decision to 'permanently suspend' user accounts and communities for Terms of Service violations related to illegal sexual activity."

No, this isn't about censorship; this is about cracking down on people who 1) really are law-breaking perverts and 2) who were wiped out by the tide of deletions/suspensions because they write 'perverse' fiction and hold other such interests in their journals.

Here's a list of comms and/or journals that have been currently suspended/affected by StrikethroughGate:
It *might* be a coincidence, but ... nope. Not a coincidence. by lolaraincoat
"This post has evolved into a listing of journals affected by Strikeoutgate. Please comment if you know of any that are not on the lists here."

Since I'm a lit major, somebody made a rather jarring point by mentioning institutionalized literature and its (deviant) attributes (yay for Shakespeare!):
Response to Recent Events by kitsune13
"While literary precedent isn't everything, having access to a metric assload of fiction that contains exactly the same "crimes" will help shore up arguments about the ridiculousness of this crackdown."

Warriors for Innocence actually did respond to one meta-writer regarding LJers' concerns and here's the rather interesting exchange:
Another Exchange of Emails by liz_marcs
"...there is a large number of people on LJ today who were just accused of being on-line predators. Some of those people are survivors themselves. Some of those people work in law enforcement and with various and sundry legal issues. Some of those people are parents or guardians of children."

Oh, and there are other links at liz-marcs's LJ that might interest you, including other journal options HERE, if you're thinking about moving or what-not. And another exhaustive brief of how people are reacting and taking action over HERE.

It all started with the Harry Potter fandom, methinks. Here's the latest from a mod regarding her comm pornish-pixies because kwanboa mentioned the comm earlier HP concerns a huge part of fandom:
TOSed. Yeah. by femmequixotic
"I just want to clarify for anyone who stops by here who isn't familiar with wasn't an incestfic comm. It was a community that focused on R and NC-17-rated Harry Potter fanfic less than 5,000 words long...To the best of my knowledge pornish_pixies was not TOSed for the content of the community but rather only for listing incest in the userinfo."

Once again, be informed. Lotsa stuff posted at metafandom so feel free to go through the links. I suspect that the posts above will be updated as the events unfold; links are also embedded in the aforementioned LJs.

You can also look at StrikethroughGate from a legal standpoint at fandom-lawyers. Just clickety-click!

EDIT: If you're a member of fandom, be counted at fandom-counts. Hopefully we max out membership very soon!

EDIT 2: I visited Fandomtossed and found an apology from the ElJayLand overlords HERE. And of course you can't please everyone, because people are still complaining that it came too late, and was not addressed to fandom first. Discussions on the perennial issue of being screened over HERE and its apparent bad form.


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