BSG || Drabbles - Laura/Tory & Racetrack/Tory, Racetrack/Kat

Feb 24, 2007 16:09

Title: I Have Your Back
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Laura/Tory
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: To cannibalcake and fanfictess, for making me smile today.

“I have your back,” she says. She kisses you lightly on the cheek, her hand lingering on your arm. Signs of a hidden affectation.

You get up on the podium. You say your part.

The flashing strobes, the heckling newsmen; there is nonsense in the riotous air. Lies hover, restless.

Your throat is dry. Stepping down, you feel the weight of the world push around you. But she stands behind you. You know because in the midst of the media frost, there is warmth. On your arm. And later, on your cheek, as she kisses again but not as chastely.


Title: Steps Backward
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Tory/Racetrack, Racetrack/Kat & Laura/Tory if you squint
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
A/N: To ana_khouri and pocketwitch, for being amazing betas and gurus.

She is prompted by Laura’s frustration; Tory comes to you to vent.

The presidential aide is an extension of you. A rigor of yours. A battlestar-long run that weakens your knees, your eyes, your lungs -enough that when you stumble back into your bunk, it is a long, dreamless sleep.

Your rigor is a dradis sweep. Meticulous and insistent, seeking and at the same time, hoping that there will be nothing to see. Like your love-making. Like your frakking.

Long and petty strokes.

No, no Kat in there, you would think as you enter her body with tongue, lips, teeth.

!fanfiction: my archive, pairing: laura roslin/tory foster, fandom: battlestar galactica

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