First off, internet's all whacked so I can't keep in touch very well with any of the online fiends. Destiny Cable took my DSL away without even warning me.
Second, my movie premiere's coming up and I'm supposed to buy nice shoes for the evening affair and the cocktails. I can't wait. There's going to be a press con, loads of friends, and enough wankery to knock our politicians senseless.
Third, I'm so tired it's not funny; I'm reading ten books all at once and though I love reading, my eyes aren't the happiest people in the world right now.
Fourth, I lost my license to the traffic enforcers (MARAUDERS!!!) on Aurora Blvd. I am unfortunate. Now I am without a license, a ticket in my pocket, and I'm lamenting the sorry state of our traffic system here in the Philippines. I am going to post the non-approved-by-the-MMDA sign which got me into trouble. It was posted in the middle of an MRT column, in red paint, where nobody could see it.
Mayor Belmonte, you're on my list. These traffic enforcers were there to hound on those MANY, MANY people who didn't and couldn't see the sign. There were half a dozen of them catching cars and taking tickets, and taking bribes (which I should have taken a video of). It was obviously a trap. The sign itself is INVISIBLE at night and isn't a proper sign on a sign post/placard.
Elections are coming up and there are no rules, except for those who want money from the Filipino people.
And that's what it's all about. Money and power.
I can hate this country so much if it weren't for all the friends and family I have here. And those traffic law enforcers in yellow are pawns to this country's system of milking us of all our good will.
I'm writing to the newspapers. And I had two witnesses with me,
selvercy and
bijouwel. These Atenean graduates will vouch for this insanity. As it is, I don't believe we have order in the metropolitan. Just undisciplined whacks who get off nicely because they have money, or law enforcers who'd take a bribe at a whim.
No decency. I'm so pissed.
On a more cheerful note, Nikki, Jewel and I watched the UP Jazz Ensemble yesterday. I hung out with Nads again (for a few minutes!), talked about love and its inevitable betrayal. But in all, regardless of that stupid incident at Aurora Blvd., seeing friends and spending time with them was priceless.
And on a happy, happy note: my half-the-semester crush talked to me at LAST. How demure and ho-hum have I been towards her? I didn't know her name until yesterday. She went up to me, told me that her sprained ankle was better, and gave me her number (well, for a school thing, but who cares!). *squee!* Oh man...I'm like, all glowy and smiley and just's OKAY IF I DON'T HAVE MY LICENSE!
Kulang na lang kiss.