mostly for my own memories

Mar 08, 2013 20:49

So she gets home from her first banjo lesson, and she shows me the chords she learned, and then she's standing in front of the wood stove warming up her rear end, and we're kind of casually chatting, and all of a sudden she turns to me and very seriously and intensely says,

The Baby Sis: Did I go pee?

frog: ... what?

TBS: Since I've been home. Have I been in here the whole time, or did I go to the bathroom?

frog: ... I... I don't know? I kind of figured you were old enough to monitor your own bodily functions? So I haven't been keeping track?

TBS: *heads to the bathroom* I don't think I did. *pause, then shouting down the hallway* I didn't have to go that bad, though!

frog: Thanks for keeping me updated!

Later, on the phone with my mom (a call which, btw, she answered by belching - my mother is never allowed to critique my phone answering ever again), discussing the blog she wants to start:
"Yup, 'Mountain Lovin' from the Oven' that's what I want to call it. And it doesn't sound whorish at all. *pause* No, no it doesn't sound whorish! *pause* Unless by 'oven' I mean 'my vagina...'"

As I'm blogging this: "Oh, by the way, can you do me a favor while you're over there, and google what Bob Ross died of? 'Cause we had "AIDS" and we had "heroin overdose."

The baby sis' summary of the first ep of Firefly, after she spent most of it with her eyes closed, but was "totally listening": "They took on passengers, and one of them was bad."
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