snowboarding...pain is weakness leaving the body haha

Jan 23, 2011 02:20

Terrible insomnia atm! Could be due to the massive headache I have haha. Snowboarding was AWESOME fun but omg my body HATES me right now. I fell on the first time down pretty damn hard on my ass and so that's killing me from that fall and the 20 or so other ones. I also fell the second time down hard with a little whiplash, my neck is fine but my head is being a butt. Either the excitement and exertion of the day or the fall. Anywho! The first time down James went with me, he's two years ahead of me doing rotations and stuff. He got on the lift with me, and I can tell you I was SOOOO not smooth at all with one leg strapped into the board, left one, and my right walking me along without trying to fall on my ass haha. There was a kid middle school aged next to me b/c the rest of my friends had walked up and into the lift line already, James hanging back to wait for me b/c he's nice, and this kid and I were stumbling along, we had a bonding moment haha. He's like, "It's my second time." I was like, "No way! Mine too!"

So getting on the lift is fun! But getting off is terrible! I fell flat on my face both times. I'll tell you about the second one later b/c that was probably one of my favorite moments of the night haha. So James is sweet, he grew up in this area and was the captain of his high school's ski team and everything, though he prefers to snowboard. I'm grateful he stuck with me on my first way out. Getting away from the lift and up and snowboarding was a pretty slow and painful process. Both James and Adrien stuck around with me. Gave advice, and towards the end Adrien was definitely pulling me up a lot, holding the bottom of my board and taking my hands and pulling. Getting up on the board with the base facing the bottom of the mountain and having to pull myself up from my heels is impossible for me. On my second run down Pat, Kristie's friend who's all muscle and taught snowboarding for a year at one time was holding my board and I was trying to climb up his arm basically at one point. He was like, I wish I had a video of this. It was hilarious. My second time down was WAY more successsful! He was giving me directions how to pull my left toes up and be on my heels. Toe side for snowboarding is way easier for me to do than heel side. Toe side is where you put the weight of your body on the toes and have your body angled toward the mountain more. Much more fun and easier for me.

Okay so I was totally not going to go again b/c my ass was aching but I stayed inside for over an hour and everybody convinced me to go again. Adrien and Pat went up on the lift with me the second time. I apparently put my board in the wrong direction on the dismount, and fell of course, Adrien lifted me up and was dragging me out of the way, and of course Brittany, Max, and Kristie were in the lift right behind us, and I see Brittany do a face plant on her skis to my right, and she almost hits Max in the head, and knocks Kristie down int he process too hahaha. So Adrien's dragging me to the side to get away from people getting off the lift, and my friends are sprawled in the snow behind me, I was cracking up!

Hm, I'm sad atm b/c I'm supposed to be up at 7 so I can go to the behind the scenes tour of the New England Aquarium with the head vet there and about twenty other vet students but at this rate I'm sleeping in to let my body recooperate. I feel like death haha. Hope I can get to sleep soon...this is miserable...rawr head. Okay...going to give it the old college try again. Wish the ice packs weren't so far away, downstairs to the freezer is too far right now haha. This is totally not coherent...AHHHhhhh headaches stink!
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