Thanksgiving... : (

Nov 24, 2010 20:37

I am super bummed...two of the things I was looking forward to didn't happen after my three tests of terribleness. At least I did end up going to Harry Potter premiere in NYC, which was a total blast. Second row seats! Got to be ten feet away from Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Voldemort and Malfoy. After party that never happened but met two guys and had fun having NYC pizza with them and the bum laughing when he says "Hey baby" to Brittany when she was trying to argue that she could pay for her own pizza even though he bought it for all of us to share. The top of the building had a breath-taking view of the city at night, I LOVED our hotel room. I got to see Adam and Bryan the next day and have lunch, was awesome!!! I love them so much, old friends truly are a treasure. Bryan and I walked back through central park to Rockefellar center, the tree was there but with scaffolding around it so it wasn't up and pretty yet, I said goodbye to him there, found a Nintendo store on my way wandering back to Times Square. There was a random concert going on for homeless kids in Times Square where the guy who sings as Phantom on Broadway just walked up on stage past me and sang a song, the head of UNICEF was there, Barbara Bush gets up there and starts reading, it was televised, people had lit candles. Just goes to show anything can happen in NYC. I loved it thoroughly. So truthfully I can't complain, that was an amazing reward for all of my hard work.

Except now I'm $400 poorer b/c my car...which I drove all the way to Connecticut decided to have the starter stop working. I stop at a Wendy's...get in my car, and it doesn't start. I was having a similar problem the day before after I dropped the food off at the food drive, but that was me being stupid b/c I hadn't put the key in the security thing, so I didn't panic at first this time. But I tried it a dozen times with the light green, the car in park (because I've made that mistake before too haha) and it really WAS dead. There was even an engine malfunction light lit up on it. Add to this my phone for some reason lasts a while if you don't use if but when you use it the battery dies super quickly. Normally I don't make a lot of calls, but this time I called home, explained what was happening, double checking with Dad that I wasn't making a silly mistake of anything. I end up using my GPS to find the address of the Wendy's, call AAA, the lady laughing at me b/c I ask if I'll just be stranded if they can't get it to start, she's like, no, you're not spending Thanksgiving at Wendy's haha. Then the guy comes to fix it, REALLY cute guy with a great smile, really friendly too. He also really wanted to get it started for me and almost have me convinced he would, but in all actuality it's better it happened this way b/c I obviously needed a new starter. So, he can't get it fixed, and calls the tow-truck guy. While I'm waiting for HIM to arrive I, STUPIDLY, lock my keys in the car! I almost like, really freak out and get mad, but I realize the tow-truck guy'll probably have one, and at least I had my phone with me. He finally arrives and I'm like, I did something stupid and my keys are in the car, do you happen to have a door unlock thing? He's like "NOooo! Oh man you're having a great day aren't you!" and turns back towards his truck and grabs a big pink metal stick thankfully, and unlocks my car. He gets it on the truck and we ride back, it was kind of fun, he had good taste in music so we bonded over that. He let me use his phone to try and locate any other students that were still in town that could drive me from the car repair place (it's actually super good my change oil light came on and I got my oil changed yesterday b/c I already knew who to take my car to to get it fixed) b/c he said it was his company's phone so I could call whoever. I ended up calling Casey, Ashley, Gina who I knew were all still in town but nobody picked up. I finally reached Sam after calling Max, Brittany, Kristie who were all out of town, and she was able to pick me up from the car place and take me home before she had to be at work. Then as soon as I get home and relax a bit the guy has FIXED MY CAR! He'd ordered the part for it as soon as I'd called him and told him it was broken.

What I'm really sad over is that...I don't get to be with my family. I was really really really looking forward to seeing Katie, Beth, and Meg, and of course Uncle Harry and Aunt Kathy and Nana and Grandpa. But Katie just got the H1N1 flu, and couldn't make it to Thanksgiving dinner anyway b/c she had to be quarantined. But yeah, also b/c the car guy tried so hard to make sure I had my car back and was all happily telling me I could still see my family, I'd just get in at 3 or 4 AM (probably accurate looking at the traffic going back towards CT when we were heading BACK to MA). I feel bad I didn't go, but I have so much studying and work to do this is probably good...but I just feel guilty. And sad I'm missing out, I hate missing out.

I'm proud of myself though. Normally...I would be pretty upset after a sucky day like this but it certainly isn't something that should be freaked out over. So I'm more mature...but it sucks that my life now is being happy over having more time to study, and having to sacrifice things like a dinner with family and loved ones because I have too much work. The car fiasco wouldn't have stopped me from leaving early tomorrow morning and trying to make it to them but the work does. I hate being responsible. Sometimes it's hard to explain to people...I just hope everything clicks as this time goes by. At the moment I don't feel very competent medicine wise. Stress sucks. Back to studying...Happy Thanksgiving everybody, hope yours is better than mine haha
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