Lots more screenies today, but basically catching up to where I am in the game now. Another complaint I have and I think it's probably my biggest so far: the journal is terrible at conveying information. Half the missions don't tell me where to go at all, and even the ones that do are very vague as to other details like if there's a time limit on the mission. Massive fail, Bioware.
Anyway, on to the pretties!
(Jack: Bite me, Garrus. Better yet, bite her. Probably how she likes it.)
Oh, Jack. Good to know that while the look has changed, the personality has not. Also loved that punch to the face by way of greeting.
Time to have some fun in the Atlas! WHEEEEEE.
(Anderson: "Sir?" I may have reinstated you, but that doesn't give you permission to go all formal on me.)
God, Anderson, I love you. I'll be sad if you die.
(Joker: Okay, let me put it this way: if I knew that EDI was gonna install herself into a sexy robot body, do you honestly think I'd be able to keep quiet about it?)
How can I never get him making a non-derpy face? ...Because that's rare, I guess. *g*
(Prothean: And the last thing the Reapers hear before they die will be the last voice of the Protheans sending them to their grave.)
Badass, Prothy, badass.
Also, I know he has a name that isn't "Prothy", but damn if I can stop calling him that in my head.
(Ashley: I mean, maybe this problem can't be solved by some grunt shooting the bogeyman in the face, but if you think it might help, I'm game.)
(EDI: Shepard, you have firsthand sexual experience. How do you know when someone is romantically invested?)
Poor Shepard. Making the O_O face through that whole conversation.
(Joker: There's also a big expose on quasar tournaments, tips on how to make your apartment look bigger, and... oh, yeah, a big-ass Reaper invasion.)
Keeping things in perspective.
(Wrex: Garrus... I have to make friends with the one turian in the galaxy who thinks he's funny.)
(Garrus: Imagine how I feel. I'm supposed to hate krogan, but you came along and warmed my heart with your winning personality.)
(Admiral Hackett: We can do this, Shepard. You can do this. Never doubt that.)
Anderson is like my protective older brother, Hackett is like my dad. *_*
Bioware has a thing for enemies called "reapers" and "harvesters" don't they?
(Eve: Females will help shape the future, like in the ancient days, before we were just pawns of power-hungry males.)
(Mordin: Asari-vorcha offspring have an allergy to dairy, and... da-di-di-dee-di-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-di-di-di...)
(Eve: I'm glad to see humans treat their women with respect. Your people have placed a lot of responsibility on you.)
(Mordin: Might go somewhere sunny. Sit on beach, look at ocean, collect seashells.)
♥ ♥
(He would study seashells.)
(Wrex: You've been a champion to the krogan people, a friend of Clan Urdnot...)
(Wrex: ...and a sister to me. To every krogan born after this day, the name "Shepard" will mean "hero"!)
Only fucking Shepard would take on a Reaper ON FOOT. ASkjahsdksahdkshfdsf.
(Mordin: Someone else might have gotten it wrong.)
(Mordin: My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of --)
(Eve: And know that Urdnot Bakara calls you a friend.)
(Garrus: You should catch some shut-eye.)
Wish I could've told him to join me. Heh.
(Javik: You and I, Commander... war is our sculptor. And we are prisoners to its design.)
(Krogan corpse/Rachni queen: But... the machines came. They heard our song. Their shriek of sour notes drowned us out.)
How excited was I that saving the rachni queen kinda blew up in my face? Hahaha. Of course, then I had to make a *really* tough decision.
(Grunt: Anybody got something to eat?)
(Liara: She was a soldier and a leader -- one who made peace where she could.)
(Liara: And it was a privilege to know her.)
(Kai Leng: No. Now it's fun.)
(Ashley: I knew the old Shepard -- before Cerberus. Right now, I'm not sure who I'm dealing with.)
(Illusive Man: I'm surprised you let Shepard get the better of you, Leng.)
(Kai Leng: It won't happen again.)
The fuck it won't, next time you'll be in meaty little pieces splattered all over the walls.
Basically I've been doing a lot of sobbing whilst playing. It was great to finally meet Kai Leng.
Other thoughts: I had to cure the genophage. There was just no other choice I could make there. I could never betray Wrex, or Eve, who is totally fucking awesome and I want to be like her when I grow up. I also chose to save the rachni queen, despite assuming Grunt would be killed because of it. It was nice to see him come out of that alive. And I'd be interested to see that conversation with Liara when she's been romanced.
I'm loving the combat in general -- I actually have to use my brain sometimes, in order to keep from getting flanked and whatnot. It's fun! Challenging, but not so tough that I can't figure it out after a couple of deaths. I can't wait to see where it all goes from here.