First thoughts on ME3 - now with MOAR screenshots!

Mar 07, 2012 20:14

SPOILER WARNING! For the first couple of priority missions in ME3, and also some romance/character stuff. Also 21 rather large (800x500) screenshots.

Lynne Shepard, spacer, war hero, adept. Totally paragon with a messiah complex the size of Jupiter. AFTER I had to REMAKE HER FACE FROM MEMORY of course. Ugh. Annoying!

Fucking reapers, how do they work?

People are dying! Noooooo! I can't help them!

Liara T'Soni: HBIC

(Liara: What if these are our last days and we spend them scurrying around trying to solve a problem we can't fix?)
MTE, Liara. MTE.

(Illusive Man: That's what separates us, Shepard: where you see a means to destroy, I see a way to control -- to dominate and harness the Reapers' power.)
It's a traaaaaaaaaaaaap.

(Kalisah al-Jilani: How do you justify running away while millions of people on Earth die? Is that the best we can expect from the Alliance?)
Oh my god I missed the renegade interrupt accidentally otherwise she would've gotten her first punch to the face from my paragon Shep. FUCK YOU KALISAH AL-JILANI. EMILY WONG WAS WAY COOLER.

(Shepard: You got pretty banged up there, Williams. Had me worried.)
B'AWWWWWWW. When she got hurt I was literally yelling at the computer screen. "NO NO NO NO NO!" And when Shepard talks to her unconscious form in the hospital, *SNIFF*

(Joker: Well, let me know if you want me to get them on the channel and then hang up on them. You know, for old time's sake.)
Haha, this'll be even funnier when I do my renegon playthrough where Shepard actually *did* hang up on the Council a couple times in ME1. Still, never change, Joker. Never change. ♥


Palaven under siege. ;_;

(Primarch Victus: Garrus said he had to attend to the Normandy's weapons systems. Something about calibrations.)

(Shepard: Sounds like Garrus.)

Uh, wow, EDI, you've... changed.

(EDI: Not all of me, but I have control of it. It was not a seamless transition.)

(Garrus: After what I've been through lately, calibrating a giant gun is a vacation. Gives me something to focus on.)

(Garrus: Yeah, so... is this the part where we...shake hands? Wasn't sure about the protocol on reunions, or if you even still felt the same way about me.)

Shepard kisses Garrus! It's super-effective!

(Shepard: I can't promise how things will work out -- not with this war -- but I missed you, Garrus. I thought about you a lot.)

(Garrus: Glad to know my romantic, uh... skills made an impression.)

(Garrus: And if it ends with both of us dying in a giant explosion taking out a Reaper -- remember I took the kill shot.)

Okay that's all the screenshots I have time for now -- I have to get back to my homework. But trust me, I have LOTS more where that came from. I'll post more later.

As for general impressions: THIS GAME IS SO FUCKING GOOD YOU GUYS. UGH. FEELINGS. A few minor quibbles include HAVING TO RECREATE SHEPARD'S FACE, some of the interface elements are too small (targeting brackets, interrupt icons, etc), and there are waaaaay too many actions mapped to the spacebar - half the time I'll be trying to take cover and instead I'll roll away in the opposite direction, or if I'm trying to roll somewhere I'll duck behind a crate instead - but considering those are pretty much the only things I have to complain about so far, that's pretty fucking good.

froda stop talking about yourself, gamer girls are awesome

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