I have a long awaited rec for you all by my friend.
This particular scene is not a complete story, but more of an excerpt from a story that I CANNOT WAIT to read. It's a Sazh/Jihl tale (and seriously, what could be cooler than that? I love Sazh!)
The Wails of Code White - This is a new take on the battle scene with Barthandelus on the Palamecia. I always felt that Jihl got a raw deal in this scene. She was discarded like so much refuse when she really ought to have been a major player through the game. I'm not sure why the creators killed her off with so little build up or fanfare, but I can only assume someone had a major brain fart while developing the game. Maybe Jihl was just a victim of post development editing. I don't know. What I do know is that I've always wanted her to mean MORE.
Now she does! :D
Hope you enjoy it! And if you do, remember to tell the writer! I'm of the opinion that any writer who is willing to explore DIFFERENT plot lines should be encouraged. I'm pretty tired of the same Light/Fang, Light/Hope story rebooted in 1000 different incarnations.