Yesterday: I went over to Megan's. Wee! It twas fun. We went grocery shopping with her mom and then we had dinner (her mom is the queen of the crockpot), then hung out in her bedroom where I read the story she's writing that features all of her friends as mutants. I'm a werewolf!!! MUWHAHAHAHA!
Speaking as such:
tamingthemuse's prompt is The Early Bird Catches Pneumonia. I had NO clue how to write this one, but then I talked to Megan and she decided to let me borrow her mutant story characters. SO, my fic will be original fiction fanfic, LOL. And it will center around the character based off of me, Nyoka, and her other best buddy, Alex. She's planning on having Nyoka and Alex become a couple, since their chemistry is working really well in the story and we have the same birthday (Alex is a year older than me), so she dared me to write a ficlet featuring Nyoka and Alex getting together.
Hence my Taming fic that I'm almost done with. XD
While I was at Megan's, my mum was on the phone discovering a lot of SHIT has gone down:
+second cousin Kelly has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
+Great-Uncle Donnie is now reduced to writing his answers, because he can no longer speak due to the spread of the cancer.
+Uncle Porky (nickname, real name Patrick) has been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.
+step-grandma Barb was fired from her job, because she accidently left a baby in the room alone. Note: she's 63 years old, works at the worst daycare ever created, and is constantly screamed at by Monty. It's not wonder she forgot about the baby.
+Mum had recieved a job from Aurora Public Schools, only to find out that the amount of money she would make wouldn't be enough to cover bills. So, today she went out to put in applications at day cares, because she has so much experience she can get 10$ an hour.
I think that's it. We've decided to hold back in buying a car and my parents will share the Ford and let me drive the Oldsmobile when school starts. My step-dad works Sunday-Wednesday, so we only have to worry about transportation Monday-Wednesday.
I'm still job hunting. I've lowered myself to looking at grocery stores. Which I don't want to work at, but I figure I can find a retail position when seasonal hiring starting in October.
Oh, and I'm downloading MSN Messenger... Of course NOW they call it Windows Live MEssenger for some dorky reason, but I'm getting it. (See,
she_and_i_were? I remmebered! yay!)