written MEME

Aug 19, 2006 14:34

I am the queen of unfinished projects!!!! Hence my putting this behind an lj-cut. But click and read! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO READ. Seriously, though. I open these fics like once a day and add a sentence or two. lol. Kinda pathetic.

snagged from authoressnebula

"If you happen to be working on some creative writing project, fanfiction or NaNoWriMo or what have you, post exactly one sentence (or more) from each of your current work(s) in progress in your journal. It should probably be your favorite or most intriguing sentence so far, but what you choose is entirely your discretion. Mention the title (and genre)if you like, but don't mention anything else -- this is merely to whet the general appetite for your forthcoming work(s)."

Sunnydale Files #98: Rupert's Present (Buffy, Rupert/Ethan)
Between lunch and the time class let out, the library was typically empty. Rupert usually spent this time trying to figure out those damn computers, but today... Well, he was tired of the damn thing beeping at him or popping up strange windows, so he decided his attention was best placed in catching up with his fall reading.

The Pack Dynamic (Buffy/Harry Potter Xover, Spander, Remus/Sirius)
"Exactly, Moony." Siirus leaned over the desk, knocking over half of Remus' papers in the process. "It's the night before the full moon. Care to unleash the beast a little early?"

"Okay, ew!" Xander exclaimed, wrinkling his nose. "That's just wrong, Dad-" Xander stopped himself, eyes wide. "I, uh, mean Sirius."

Suddenly, Xander shoved Spike away with all his strength. Spike blinked and licked his lips, before smiling. Cocking his head to the side, Spike eyed Xander. "Hmm, I think I'm going to enjoy this, pet."

"I am not your pet." Xander snapped.

"We'll see about that." Spike replied, his voice low with desire. Xander gulped and pressed himself farther into the wall. "I'll see you later, love."

Untiltled Buffy/Popslash Xover, Xander/Nick, Spike/AJ)
In the end, Kevin drove. Apparently, the big and tall man was from Kentucky and had once driven a tractor. As far as Spike was conscerned that wasn't a qualification for driving a bus, but everyone else seemed to think so. Spike sat up front, closest to Kevin, and spent the ten minutes it took to get to Rupert Giles' apartment telling Kevin he wasn't driving properly.

"Thou shalt not kill." Kevin said to himself, slowly, as he turned off the engine.

The Goo Incident (Weiss Kreuz, Farfarello/Omi, Yohji/Aya)
"Umm, okay. Don't freak out! Though, considering who you are, I highly doubt you will." Omi's voice noticably gulped. "Do you remember that mission we, uh, had last month?"

"Gooey." Farfarello chuckled from the corner of the room.

"Yes, I believe we remember." Crawford told the phone.

"Right, well... There have been a few complications."

Untitled (Firefly, AU, Jayne/Simon)
"I must check his vitals." River insisted, trying to push past Jayne. Jayne held her back as he watched Mal's shocked expression. And then, suddenly, a scream pierced the air. The dark head and pale shoulders of a young man appeared from within the cryo. Mal jumped back as the man practically fell out of the box and curled up into a ball. Out of his own shock, Jayne released his hold on River and watched as she ran forward.

"Simon." River's voice said as she reached for the man. "Simon, can you--?"

Untitled (Harry Potter, Draco/?)
"Umm, Draco..." Goyle visibly gulped. "I think you've turned into a girl."

"That's ridiculous." Draco snapped. Because it was. People just didn't turn into girls. It wasn't natural. In fact, Draco would definitely make the claim that it wasn't appropriate as well.

The Wizard Survival Act, Chapter 25 (Harry Potter, Ron/Draco)
Draco had once heard his father call Severus a complex creature that needed to be approached with caution.

Relationship Follies #2: Pride (Harry Potter, Ron/Draco)
"Draco?" Harry asked, squeeking. Draco snorted, receiving a glare from the boy wonder in return. Draco said nothing in reply, though what he was thinking--something along the lines of 'you know you want a piece of this'--was easily veiwed in his expression.

History of a Curse (Buffy, Oz-fic)
Oz smelled blood in the air, though he didn't know it's source. The man obviously didn't see him and, when he tried to touch the leaves of a tree blocking his sight, his fingers passed right through it.

The Parents (Angel/Harry Potter Xover, Percy/Wesley, Assistant'verse)
“Hello, Ginny.” Percy cleared his throat and reached out to grab Wesley’s hand. “This is Wesley.”

“Right.” Ginny eyed him, before breaking out into a wicked grin. “Percy, you dog! He’s cute.”

Exorcist of the Vampire, Chapter 4 (Buffy, priest!Xander)
Xander wasn't sure how he ended up in the middle of a cemetery. His knack of getting himself into trouble hadn't really changed and, because of this, he immediately went on high alert. Of course, it was in the middle of the day so he didn't have too much tow orry about. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Paka Ahali, Chapter 9 (Angel, Wes/Gunn, Angel/Doyle, Fisi'verse)
Wesley was't used to sharing a bed with another body. The sensation of hot skin pressed against his own was strange and new, but he coudln't say that he hated it. Gunn was curled up against his back, arm thrown over Wesley's waist possessively and nose buried against Wesley's neck. Wesley forced his eyes to remain closed. He wanted to savor everything.

Masafa (Fisi'verse, Spander)
Hearing the sound of the laugh, and allowing the comfort it brought to coat his being, Xander relaxed. Bright blue eyes stared down at him, a sensual mouth curved into a smirk. Xander breathed deeply, eyes glittering in happiness. Spike tilted his head, thumbs stroking the inside of Xander's wrists. "Have fun?"

"Mmm, yeah." Xander thrusted his hips upward to prove his point, his denim clad erection pressing against Spike's. Spike closed his eyes briefly. "I could smell you. Wanted you, but you already knew that, didn't you?"

Ghera (Fisi'verse, Angel/Doyle)
NNNOOO! The, err, file somehow got corrupted. *pouts* So, yeah, gonna have to start all over with that one.

Book of Threes: Chapter of Souls (Buffy, Spike/Xander/Oz)
"It's not that big of a deal!" Xander snapped. He was going to hell for this, he knew he was. Not only was he yelling at his lover, but he was also getting angrier than the situation required.

He couldn't help it. Oz and Spike had this way of just... It was like they owned him. They were so dominant in every way. Spike was a demon with a soul that hissed like a cat when he came long and hard. Oz was an animal, growling and laughing during sex like a wolf playing in the forest. Xander was... Human. A human with visions that was in a relationship with two other men, two men that he loved more than anything else on earth.

Xander's life was getting more and more complicated as each second passed.

Simple Equations Angel, Fred/Cordy)
"Right, whatever, sorry." Cordelia mumbled. There was a moment of silence, before Cordelia sighed. "I'm going to take a bath."

Heat suddenly pooled in Fred's lap as the image of Cordelia in a nice, hot, bubbly bath filled her vision. Maybe Cordelia would light a candle...? Maybe she needed someone to wash her back...?

"...Fred?" Wesley asked, looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Fine!" Fred squeeked. "I'm just fine, why?"

"You kind of..." Wesley blushed slightly. "Well, moaned."

untitled (Buffy, Tara/Oz)
A quick meal is finished before the sun falls behind the mountain range. Tara sits on the front porch and stares out into the wilderness. She feels, for once, that she has found what she is looking for: freedom, peace, and a glimpse of happiness. Who cares if she feels lonely? It is a minor inconvenience.

Sleep comes easily, pulling her into a dream just as a howl echoes outside the cabin.

Athenian Fire (Original Story)
“You get more and more… Annoying as the years pass, Thelsia,” Carmichael informed her. “If I didn’t know any better I would claim that Lydia has been filling your mind with nonsense again. By Hades below, you sure didn’t learn such disrespect from me.”

“Of course not,” Thelsia finally looked up, resting the sword along her thighs. “I learned to be cynical of all that approach me, searching for a sign that they would betray me.”

“Better that than thinking everyone is your best friend,” Carmichael muttered. Thelsia found that she had to fight down a smile.

Currently Untitled (Original, my first novel actually)
“Exactly,” I replied in a deadly tone. “You pulled him out of our protection, allowing any of the wolf packs outside my domain to have their fun. Do you know what I will do to you, Lamont, if I discover that my little brother is dead at the hand of a rival werewolf? Or worse, captured by a vampire clan?” I pulled him close, the stench of fear attacking my senses as I pressed my cheek against his and whispered into his ear. “I will gut you and force you to change under the darkness of a new moon. Then, I will skin you alive and leave your carcass to the scavengers.”

“It was his choice!” Lamont said, in an attempt to defend himself. I scowled, shoving him back against the brick wall. Lamont gasped. It always amused me how this pathetic excuse for a lycanthrope was so weak and sensitive to pain. “He wanted to go out on his own. Something about catching some tail. Please! I don’t know what happened. He never came back.”

“Fear is a funny thing, Lamont,” I commented, dropping him like a stone onto the hard floor. Lamont, despite that fear, looked at me strangely. Ah, yes, philosophical conversation was above him. “I will not kill you, not this time. Let it be known, however, that if I ever see hide or tail of you again, I will hunt you down like a wounded deer. That being said, you best hope I find my brother or I’ll be forced to slip some information about a renegade werewolf to this province’s vampire clan. You wouldn’t want that, now would you?”

So... Yeah... Think I'm working on enough shit? This doesn't include Project: Christmas, either. O_O

meme, fic

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