Tonight I spent some time cleaning off my altar space, doing some serious dusting, cleaning off my statues and just really resetting everything to a point where it just needed to be. Did a small offering and had a bit of a conversation about my store and about my relationship, both of which are taking important turns right now.
I feel good.
I gave out a bunch of candy tonight courtesy of
queenlaura75. She sent me like 5 pounds of candy, and I mean "lbs" pounds not "£" pounds. And it was good stuff too. Those kids were wanting to take like the whole bowl and I had to tell them to put some back for the other kids. I mean, how rude is it to reach into a bowl of candy and want to take a whole handful? I only ever would get like 1 piece of candy from people on halloween and now these kids want all of it! Spoiled.
I talked to a bunch of people on the phone tonight while I was cleaning.
dmlaenker and I talked about flirting and how to know when people are flirting with you, talked to
jcruisedirector about his latest drama (girl, you STILL run the drama boat), talked to
shizznit25 for like 5 minutes because he's apparently bonding with his new roommate and that's GREAT news, and talked to
oftheeast who called me the minute I started dusting off the pysanky he made for me ("I am like the djinn. You rub the egg and I call you!").
It was a really great night.
While I was sitting on the porch handing out the halloween candy (there weren't THAT many kids out tonight, but I got home at like 7:00 which was WAY into the neighborhood trick-or-treat time), I had one of my giant pillar candles lit on a big torchiere and I was reading Eliphas Levi's "Transcendental Magic." It was a scene. It took some time to get to the meat of the text, but I feel like I'm really into it now and I'm starting to hit it at a good pace.
On a related but somewhat separate note I was talking with
dmlaenker about his confusion and lack of understanding about generic NeoPagan rituals. I told him I would put some books together for him to read, but now I'm starting to think I'd like to put together a small class for discussion on ritual structure, theory and practice. So, over the next few days I'm going to take some time to put together some kind of course that I can teach over the next oh say three or four months that would teach the basics and the intellectual side of ritual. I think I'd really groove on that. So, I'll let you all know how that goes.
Later folks.