And I return from the Middle of Nowhere...aka Cullman

Jan 06, 2006 03:50

Why am I awake at 3:50 in the morning, you might ask? The answer: I have no idea.

I fully intended to go to bed tonight at midnight...we all see how well THAT worked out. Oh well. Maybe next time.

One of my suitemates has a missed call or a new voicemail or something because I can hear the beep from the cell phone. You know you're up too late when it's quiet enough to hear the lone beep from a cell phone two rooms away. And it's kind of annoying, too...

I really like my interim class so far. I'm taking History of Modern Terrorism with Dr.Law, and so far it's really cool! I actually had 20 or 30 pages of reading to do the other day, and I did them all in one sitting while lying on my bed without falling asleep! That never happens! Excitement!

Also on the list of exciting dorkiness returns tomorrow with new episodes of the SciFi channel's Friday lineup! The second half of the seasons for Stargate, Stargate: Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica. I'm so pumped! Especially about the Atlantis episodes...not that I don't still have a soft spot for the original, but it's just not the same without Richard Dean Anderson. Ok, I'm done.

My cousin Megan is coming to spend the night this weekend! Yay!!! I absolutely LOVE when she comes to visit, and definitely look forward to it. We may be family, but we're also good friends, and I think the combination will keep us friends for a really long time. Again, yay!

I got the novel "Zorro" by Isabel Allende in Spanish for Christmas. I have yet to really delve into it because every time I want to start, I don't have the time needed to devote to it (and the dictionary!). But I'm looking forward to it!

Sweet! They make Spanish Scrabble! I'm SO buying that! Or maybe I'll let someone get me that for my birthday. :-)

Ok, I think I should go to bed now. And so I'll leave you with this parting thought. I still need at least $1500 to be able to go on my Chile trip...if anyone has any spare cash lying around, please donate! Goodnight, and love to you all!
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