I had another challenge in mind for right now when this one came to mind, and I am not quite ready with the other.. SO you get this now and the other in a few days!! WOO!!
What to do:
Go to
THIS POST RIGHT HERE and look at all the movie posters you guys made!
Select one
and you can do one or the other of these choices.
Write a Fanfic based on the
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Poster Maker: tvnut014
Rating: PG-13, maybe a little more?
Warnings (if any): This is NOT finished, but I procrastinated enough to type and now I have to go back to study so this is all I've got so far. It lacks scenes, but no time means uncompleted fic. BTW, it hasn't been betaed at all.
I had to post this at Walter's Lab because it was too long for a comment.
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