I had another challenge in mind for right now when this one came to mind, and I am not quite ready with the other.. SO you get this now and the other in a few days!! WOO!!
What to do:
Go to
THIS POST RIGHT HERE and look at all the movie posters you guys made!
Select one
and you can do one or the other of these choices.
Write a Fanfic based on the poster of your choice.
500 to 1000 words
Any rating is fine as long as there are appropriate ratings and warnings on it.
Crack is fine too. (since I know a few of you that will ask :p )
Post the fic to the comments, Walters Lab or your own journal with a link back to it in the comments here.
Please use the following header when you post your fic
Movie Title:
Poster Maker:
Warnings (if any):
Movie Promo/Trailer:
Produce a movie trailer in the video editor of your choice
It needs to be between 45 and 60 seconds in length
It needs to contain
THIS screen at the start.. Like you see on movie promos.
Upload it to youtube or other similar video hosting websites and post it here or a link to it here.
Please use the following header in your comment
Movie Title:
Poster Maker:
Warnings (if any):
45 for your entry (just one allowed please)
1 point for sigtag
Due Date:
Wednesday November 16th - 11 PM Eastern Time
comments are unscreened! So check out what everyone has made and tell them what you think!!