(no subject)

Feb 15, 2013 01:16

So... Happy V-Day folks.  She says when her clock actually reads 12:56 AM on Friday, February 15th.  So, this bidding is a day late where I am, but there's folks on the other side of the date-line who are just getting into the swing of Singles Awareness/Appreciation Day, so an argument could be made that the bidding is still valid.

Did I do anything for S.A.D.?  Well... kinda?  I got up this morning, went directly up to the sewing room after the morning shower and breakfast routine, and got to work.  I put on The Mikado and started sewing.  It only took two complete run-through's of the dvd (a two-act light opera plus credits) for me to have sewn up my brand new kimono and figured out how to make a matching baggy from the scraps.  I cut the fabric out yesterday, but apart from that... yeah.  Beginning to end in about... Five(?) hours.  I didn't budge from the sewing room for anything until I was done.  Worked through lunch.

But so worth it.  There's really something to be said for getting a sewing project completed.  Especially one you're actually enthusiastic about.  Like my Cid Highwind jacket.  Wow I'm pleased with that.  I messed up a little so I'm unlikely to ever wear it with the buttons done up, but Cid doesn't wear it done up that I've seen (canon) either, so that's okay.  I made it double-breasted by accident, so when I do it up, the pocket is a pouch in the middle of my stomach.  Yeah, not the best look.

I've made my awesome reversible "Victorian" vest (inspired in equal parts by Visual Kei, Steampunk, and awesome artwork by animama), put buttons and zippers onto appropriate pieces that have just been waiting for those to be finished... AND (in fanfic news) I've finished another one!  It was epic.  Hawkeye, Loki, the Firefly series.  Yeah.  It's big.

And I went to see Rise of the Guardians the other day.  Loved it.  Went on my own, and there were little kids behind me who I wanted to tell "Shush!" to, but that's okay.  I absolutely LOVED it.  So... fanfic for that might be in the works.  Not sure about that.  See how the hamster wheel turns and if it turns enough to get the percolator working....

And dancing this evening was great fun.  Not quite as much fun as last week when I got to be the teacher's demo-helper because the usual female teacher was absent, but still a lot of fun.

Anyway, Happy V-Day, and may all your ambitions be enjoyable ones.

firefly, fanfiction, kimono, life, dance

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