temporarily exits daze

Oct 09, 2009 20:08

I've been suffering from the days blurring into one another.  I've submitted my last assignment for the semester.  Now it's all about study for exams.  then spring school so I can get psychology 1 completely out of the way, cause they're changing the course deal next year.  My local university is NOT friendly to their mid-year intake.  I figure that if I pull myself up by my bootlaces hard enough though, I should be able to get roughly in-sync with all the peoplel who started at regular times - doing a missed semester over break instead of goofing off, for example.  4 weeks of 9-5 hardcore study.

I'm contemplating shaving my head, that way I can't pull my hair out.  I have enough hats to wear a different one every day for a month and have left-overs anyway.  Still, bald was never a look I liked on girls, so maybe I'll just get slowly shorter.  Hair is, after all, an important part of what helps a hat to fit.

In other news, I've decided that I'm going to start putting up my muses and plot bunnies for fanfictions.  Here's one that hit me on my way to dinner: a series of cohesive songfics, using songs by the same artist.  Highly unoriginal, but I'm gonna do one using Simon and Garfunkle.  Gonna use Bridge Over Trouble Water, I Am A Rock, Sound of Silence - those three are guaranteed.  Want to do more than just three in the series, but we'll see how I go, what's appropriate to the fandom (Hellsing, in this case).

Also, my sister's alien parasite is due on the 3rd of February.  Until we find out what it actually is, we're calling it Horace.  No, I'm not actually going to have a nephew or niece called Horace, it's just a name for the bump.

And I'm staying up waaaaay too late these days.  We just clicked over to daylight savings the other weekend - I stayed up till 5 in the morning the day we LOST an hour.  I stayed up till 5 in the morning today as well, before going to bed and waking up a few hours later.  Yes, I slept, the neighbour's rooster was either polite enough to let me sleep for once, or I was out of it enough to not get woken up by the bugger.

horace, uni, life

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