Let's Play Galaxy Angel, Chapter 3, Part 4: Ranpha -> Dere

Jun 29, 2011 00:22

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Before any of you ask, yes, the images on the last post are all fixed now. Moving forward with the last bit of Ranpha's chapter! Fun times.

Here's the fleet we're fighting. The orange units are new; they're missile frigates called Gezels. The plan the game gives us is to have Lucky Star, Kung Fu Fighter, and Happy Trigger go take out the two ships behind that asteroid so the Elsior can hide there, then have all the Angels regroup and go fight everything else. You should know by now that I rarely go with the plan.

Also, Vart? Who names these places?

Screw the plan. Ranpha and Vanilla are going to the right, Milfie and Mint to the top left, and Forte gets the back of the asteroid. The Elsior is staying in place until Happy Trigger clears out the hiding spot. I like to make sure every possible threat is taken out first.

Because some of you will want a visual of every new unit that rolls out; here's a Gezel, another fine example of Eonia's fleet of giant household implements. Seriously, doesn't it look like something you would use in math class? I don't really think this is what's meant by "sinister geometry".

New plan mainly works. I have to keep sending Forte back to resupply, but having Vanilla by Ranpha and ready to heal her up at a moment's notice means I don't have to worry too much about her low armour. One enemy gets past the two of them and approaches the Elsior, so I send it towards the back of the asteroid and get Ranpha to chase the enemy down. Milfie goes to guard the ship once the enemies at the back thin out, since Mint is doing fine on her own.

...she was doing fine. What? I noticed her health was low and went to send her back to resupply, but a Spard shot her down before she got there. You can't blame me for that.

Okay, maybe you can.

Even if we lose Mint and I waste too much time taking screenshots, the fight goes well. Ranpha once again kills practically everything on the map. Vanilla gets nothing again; such is the life of a medic. There's really nothing to complain about...

Oh, shut up.

I lose some points with Mint for letting her get shot down. It's not like we've been paying her much attention anyway. That'll change soon, though, since the next chapter is hers. Forte again tells me to give her more targets next time. Ranpha is pretty much the only happy person on the bridge.

Tact and the Angels go to the tea lounge after to wind down (and to finally get Vanilla's fortune told). Ranpha starts to say that her own fortune was correct after all, but starts blushing and changes the subject. Just as they're about to look up Aquarius for Vanilla, Mint notices a disclaimer in the magazine... "These fortunes apply to Transbaal residents only. When someone moves between stars, their location changes and a correct prediction is impossible. Please be aware of that."

So all of those scarily-accurate fortunes didn't mean anything after all.

Ranpha flips out and staggers out of the tea lounge in shock.

Chapter 3: Chaotic Prophecies

You know what happens next by now. New chapter, new focus haremette, new VN segment, new poll.


Keep supporting your favourite haremette to get her into the top 3 by the route split. Here would be the advisory for Team Mint to vote for their second favourite, but... is there even a Team Mint? Has anyone ever actually voted for Mint in the entirety of this LP? I guess nobody likes lolis. Or sheep ears. Or rich people?

let's play galaxy angel

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