Let's Play Galaxy Angel, Chapter 3, Part 2: Not Even Old Homework Is Safe

Jun 25, 2011 22:32

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I am still way excited for building a Galaxy Angel cast at UG@. Motivation! Either way, I need to get working on this LP, and since my sewing machine is currently inaccessible due to the aftereffects of my basement flooding and the second coat of paint is drying on my horns, I might as well do the next part of Chapter 3. When we last left off, two enemy fighters had shown up out of nowhere, and because the hangar's a mess, we only have Milfie and Ranpha to fight them with...

The battle plan is the classic "hey, let's hide behind an asteroid and get away while the Angels fight these guys off!". 2-D Space strikes again. We're deploying Lucky Star and Kung Fu Fighter between the attackers and the Elsior. ...By the way, what kind of name is "Spnie"? I guess it must be the name of the asteroid or something.

Ranpha and Milfie take off, but... wait, battle mode isn't starting up? Instead, we get an extended VN segment where they talk about the Angels approaching these fighters, which are surprisingly fast compared to what we've fought before. In a scene you've clearly never seen anywhere else before, all of a sudden, the heretofore-unknown enemies butt in on our communication channel.

[BGM: Trouble]

Miserable Failure #1: Camus O. Laphroaig
Has read Twilight too many times

Those of you familiar with the Galaxy Angel manga are probably scratching your heads right now. In the manga, this guy was a grade-A creeper who gave flowery speeches about killing people to terrify Angel and reader alike. The original game's incarnation thinks he's that guy. Unfortunately, he's also got the brains of a bag of ham.

Camus: My name is Camus O. Laphroaig. Such a beautiful name. Isn't it just like an elegant wind blowing through space?
Milfeulle: Doesn't wind not blow in space?

While Ranpha is rolling her eyes, the other fighter speaks up...

Miserable Failure #2: Guinness Stout
How much hot-blooded yelling can one person do?

While Camus thinks he's living in some trashy teen romance novel, Guinness thinks he's the hero of a super robot series. According to him, he became a mercenary because the only thing he wants to do is find strong people and fight them. He calls Ranpha his eternal rival and his friendly enemy when she's never heard of the guy in her life.

Speaking of which, how do these guys even know us? The identities of the Emblem Frame pilots are supposed to be a military secret, and yet the Moron Brigade is rattling them off like nothing. Once the logic of that hits, they move on to discussing other secrets they're not supposed to know, presumably to scare the Angels. Too bad they don't really seem to know what kind of information will creep their enemies out.

Camus: Additionally, I know many more of your deepest secrets.
Milfeulle: Y-you're lying, right!?
Camus: For example, an essay you wrote as a child.
Ranpha: Where would you have found something like that!?
Guinness: Wahahahaha!! For our investigative skills, nothing is impossible!!!!!
Ranpha: You're abusing that ability for your own whims!
Milfeulle: I don't even remember what I wrote that long ago, but stop it!!
Camus: "When I grow up, I want to be a spaceship."



Lester points out that, even though they didn't find out anything good, it's still cause for alarm. The other Emblem Frames still can't get past the debris in the hangar yet, so we have to leave this fight to Milfie and Ranpha.

I keep typoing her name as "Ranoha". Unconscious voice actor joke?

Battle begins. Two Angels versus two incompetent evil counterparts -- it's a pretty even match. (Leaving the Elsior out of this because it's useless aside from when the plot makes it useful. The plan said to send it away to the other side of the asteroid, and I have no reason to argue.) I don't even really do anything this time, just let the AI take care of it all. Don't get used to these kinds of battles. Later-game ones require constant vigilance, which sucks when you're trying to stay alive in chat and type up articles and do all manner of other things.

Why do the enemies even have status screens? You can't even see their statistics. These Sillius (or Silius; the translation is about as unsure as it is on Gerald/Gerard) fighters just have basic railguns and missiles, and they rely on their speed to pose any kind of threat. Dude, we have Kung Fu Fighter. You cannot beat Ranpha when it comes to being too fast to hit.

The pathetic part about this fight is that we only need to defeat one of the idiots to win. Milfie takes out Camus with no effort at all, and we're done.

The enemies leave, and the two Angels return to the ship. The Elsior goes into Chrono Drive, so Tact can leave the bridge and go thank Milfie and Ranpha. Tact worries about an enemy stronger and faster than the automated fleet they've been fighting before, even if the new units are piloted by a couple of idiots. Milfie complains that her fortune from Ranpha's magazine was correct -- she did have a terrible encounter with a strange man, even if it was meeting a stupid enemy who told her embarrassing childhood secrets. Ranpha says that of course her magazine was correct, it's always right... ...and she trails off, shuts up, and goes to take a shower. Forte laughs that she must be embarrassed about her own fortune, the one that says "You'll become close to someone unexpected of the opposite sex in a surprising place. This already cannot be stopped!".

Surely that doesn't mean anything.

Vanilla pulls Tact aside and confesses that she's worried that the enemies, morons that they were, were holding back. That might explain how easy that last fight was. Maybe that missile to the hangar wasn't supposed to kill us. She doesn't know why, though, and Tact can't explain it either. He goes to look around the ship just to be sure, and just as he walks away, he hears something like a camera. Down the hall, he passes Chromier, who asks why he's here -- wasn't he just in the locker room? What? No.



Ranpha flips out, understandably, but confuses Tact when she accuses him of having been there all along. Apparently, she also saw this mysterious other Tact in the locker room. Ranpha kicks Tact out and goes to change, then tells all the Angels that he was watching her in the shower. His pleas of innocence do nothing. Does this count as an occupational hazard?

>I'll catch the real culprit.

Ranpha still doesn't believe it, but she starts to wonder, which, for her, is as good as anything. New mission: find the mysterious pervert who apparently looks just like Tact and somehow got onto the Elsior. How is this even going to work?

Ranpha-themed save menu.

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