Why am I working during my vacation? Damned if I know, and damned if it doesn't feel a little unfair. Still, it is what it is. I'll soothe myself with this commentary.
http://www.friendlyhostility.com Shameless Promotion 2
:: Yet another shameless promotion filler comic, which I suppose is better than just a random drawing, but probably not as good as an actual FH comic. There's only one more of these to go this Friday, then back on Monday we'll be back to FH. I mean, I haven't scanned the comics for next week yet, but they exist and are fully prepared.
:: So, today, more shameless promotion for Other People's Business. Pastry chef Odette is worried.
:: The guy you haven't seen before is Mr. Robbie Ferreri, a former acquaintance of Mr. Hathaway who will show up in the comic. Usually, he shaves before coming onscreen, but no one told him he'd be in a promo comic today. Mr. "lost a fight with a weedwhacker" is, of course, Mr. Hathaway.
:: In panel three, you can see stick figure versions of the rest of the Pamplemousse chefs, including Mercedes (one of our main characters), emo-boy Ashleigh, Montserrat, and Jaime. All that's missing is executive chef and owner Dixie.
:: Aw, Odie, be kind. Robbie is pretty cute, I think.
:: Again, I'm just getting all that fourth-wall stuff out of my system before I can't do it anymore.
:: Today is definitely a Wednesday that feels like a Monday for me. Grar. Deadlines. Mumble complain mumble.