MS Society Benefits Survey

Jul 23, 2015 17:11

Those of us who've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), and who live in the UK, are asked to contribute to the MS Society's campaign in favour of our disability benefits. Here's the survey.

Please note that you don't have to be a member of the MS Soc to fill in this survey. Here's the email I got today.

Dear Research Network members,

I hope you are well. Our Campaigns team would like to hear about your experiences of claiming benefits.

They have designed a survey to find out more about people’s experiences. The results from this will be used to inform our future campaigning work on the welfare system, to ensure that it works fairly for people with MS. Living with a progressive condition like MS shouldn’t be made harder by financial insecurity. We know inappropriate criteria and assessments prevent people from accessing the financial support they need, which is why we need you to complete our survey.

The MS Society will be stepping up our campaigns on welfare this Autumn, so it’s important we hear your experiences now. We’re particularly keen to hear experiences of people who’ve claimed Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

A few things to note:
· This survey is for people diagnosed with MS only (it is not for people with other neurological conditions, or for carers).
· Please feel to share the survey with friends and family members who have MS if you wish.
· If you have any difficulty accessing the online survey, then please contact my colleague Laura. She will arrange a time to go through the questions with you over the telephone.
· Any information you give will be completely confidential and anonymous. It will not be shared with the Department for Work and Pensions, or any other organisation.
· This survey has already been sent to a sample of our members - if you’ve already completed it, there is no need to do so again.
· It will take you 5-10 minutes to complete.

The survey closes on Monday 27 July.

If you have any questions about the survey, you can get in touch with Laura at .

Click here to complete the survey today

Thank you very much,

the benefits system, the disabled person, money, conditions: multiple sclerosis

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