Mar 05, 2014 10:21
The teacher-training course that I started, that didn't work out because of a lack of crip accommodations, is all over. Even the shouting. Well in fact, there was no shouting but there were a few attempts to blame me. A few attempts to make me cough up the course fee. I paid nothing, ignoring the £500 invoice.
Phoned to sort it out, got somebody helpful in the Finance Office and today, that person says the account is to be credited £500. Apparently that's a fancy way of saying that I can turn that blimmin invoice into loo paper.
When the euphoria wears off I'll decide whether I want to do anything further about this. It would be a public-spirited thing to do, helping future students. But I have other priorities. Earning money, for example. Being disabled makes me more selfish than I used to be.
discrimination: indirect,
adaptations and accomodations,