Sorry guys, I got abducted for the last two weeks so I've been away from the computer. No, literally, these little green aliens swooped down one night, I was just reading in my bed (it was some really engrossing book or I would have noticed the lights, I reckon) and they came in through the front windows (mum's always at me to close those, I guess I should learn that lesson) and I was like, "you're little and green and taking me somewhere, aren't you?" and they were like "you're a prime example of today's youth!" and I said, "yeah, I am, I'm voting for Kevin Rudd and I'm overweight and (or is that because) I spend way too much time on the computer" so I went with them just to check it all out. It was okay, I guess, but I wouldn't jump at the chance to do it again. I thought I was only gone a couple of hours and when I got back there was a whole two weeks missing from my life.
None of the above paragraph is true (except for the reasons for my being a prime example of today's youth) but I have been on a journey through time and space (of sorts) to the world of the Mighty Boosh. I've watched it from time to time many a time in the past but since the new episodes started pumping out (haha I wrote "pumpkin out" first but then I fixed it) I've gone a bit mental. I just got so excited. I've been raping youtube for
old stand-up spots and
interviews (including
songs) and the
live DVD (some fool uploaded the whole thing to youtube so
I had to watch it, didn't I) and the madness, it has to stop. But why would I ever want it to?
This is post is going to get well long, so I think I should take a precautionary measure and
start the cut here. Okay. Where to start. Let's check the diary. Okay, really not a lot for the first bit. Kira and I went to see Across the Universe on the 17th and it was really fucking amazing? Like... I want to own it. I really loved it. Julie Taymor is on crack and that's why I love her. The dance sequences were the most thrilling bits of the movie, I think. My total favourite was the army sign-up scene. So that was that. I spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks working really early-starting days and therefore being too exhausted to do much of anything in the afternoons and evenings... We all had dinner at the Wicky on Thursday 22nd because Pete and Dajh left for Europe on the 25th so it was our big last goodbye for seven weeks. So upsetting. Okay, from Friday 23rd we get a bit busy, so let me break it down some.
Friday 23rd: work 6am-2:30pm, head down to mum's place straight after work to beat peak hour traffic, chill out at mum's for a few hours, go see her perform in the local community musical society's latest bash, stick around for an hour or two after the show to catch up with the ol' musical crew.
Saturday 24th: wake up early to hang with mum a bit, back on the road at 10am, in the hood around 11:15am to go vote in the federal election (#1 Kevin Rudd, oh the joy of living in the district of Griffith), duck home to stress out over packing for five days away, head to the boys' place so they can take me to the airport for my 1:50pm flight, on the way to boys' place while stuck in traffic at 12:39pm realise with horror that flight is actually 12:50pm and therefore I have missed it, get to boys' place and have a minor freakout before sorting it out and getting another flight for 2:50pm and get to hang out with boys a bit more, get onto plane, have uneventful flight, catch shuttle bus from Tullamarine airport to Melbourne city, get a bit confused about train system before finding Haeli at Southern Cross station and quickly jumping on train back out to Windsor/St Kilda and walking to Haeli and Laura's place, hang out for a few hours and delight at how adorable their house is, drink some wine, decide around 9pm we should probably go get some dinner, stroll down along Chapel Street and stick our heads into the Yellow Bird because this is Clint from SfK's bar and I am curious, get a cheap thrill realising that all three members of SfK are at the bar this evening, go say hi to Clint only to have him welcome me to his birthday night adjlkajd god how embarrassing, wish him happy birthday and scoot off to dinner, find a tapas place to eat/drink at, drink some more, eat delicious tapas, hear the next table mention Rudd winning the election and celebrate with more drinking and exclamations of joy (quite loud), finish up dinner and stroll back up to the Yellow Bird for some more drinks and comfortable couches, go say hi to Dempsey at the bar ("Hey Dempsey..." "Hey - OH HEY! ...what are you doing here? /:)" ajkdja awkward), stumble home and crash into delicious bed.
Sunday 25th: get up lazily for a cup of tea, stroll down to Ackland Street to search for delicious breakfast as we are all starving and it's actually about 10:30-11am, end up at Rococo's and whine over the amount of time it is taking for food, finally eat delicious food (mine: scrambled eggs with feta and tomato, side of avocado & mushrooms, OH GOD), eat toooooo much, say bye to Laura as she has to go home and study etc, Haeli and I stroll all over Ackland Street moaning about the lack of elasticity of our stomachs, even worse go into this store with wonky shelving that makes us feel dizzy AND full adjlkajd, catch a tram to Brunswick Street and browse a billion cute stores, eventually decide we're ready for a small afternoon meal at Vegies, after eating realise that we were probably wrong and moan about it again, say goodbye to Haeli who ducks off home, get picked up by Evan, Mel, James and Jenn (omg you guys all have lj names ajkdlasj what an lj exhibition) and head to the East Brunswick Club for a charity gig feat. Paul Dempsey headlining, sit/stand patiently through other bands, experience the joy that is solo Dempsey, get dropped back to the girls' place by Evan and crash into bed.
Monday 26th: pack up my stuff and catch a taxi into Southbank, have first experience of typical Melbourne taxi driver who tries to palm off his individual service through finding out where else I am travelling in the near future and trying to tee it up so he can pick me up and drop me off for all those rides (I ended up giving him a phone number that isn't mine... sorry, random person whose number I may have given this creepy dude), hang out with the credit department for the morning and show them the new system (and also get shy around the cute temp who I didn't realise had an adorable British accent until he opened his mouth to ask me something and I was like BUH... and that was awkward), find the marketing department just in time to get taken out to lunch with them, come back and do a bit of work with a couple of the marketing lasses for the afternoon (showing them the other system I am in charge of), leave early to sign in to the hotel down the road, get changed and stroll through Melbourne city for a little while, meet up with Haeli and Laura for a couple of drinks in Degraves Street, all three of us then traipse up to Annabel's place and hang around for a little while for chats and cats, head back down to Fed Square for dinner at Chocolate Buddha, realise it's quite cold by the end of dinner, swan off back up to Annabel's and stay chatting for an hour later than I thought it was because Anna hasn't changed her kitchen clock adjklaj, take off back to the hotel and dive into bed. (Also, Back In Brisbane, Emma Moves Back In With Me.)
Tuesday 27th: stress about missing another flight but thankfully the taxi driver is fast and efficient and doesn't try to flog his services therefore I find him quite great, jump on plane to Adelaide with about ten minutes to spare, get absolutely engrossed in The Time Traveler's Wife on the plane and am sad when the flight only takes an hour and a bit, catch taxi out to Port Adelaide, put up with an old fat taxi driver who tells me that the youth of Australia have ruined the country by voting in the Labor government (my curt reply of "you know I'm the youth of Australia, right?" stopped that line of discussion, thankfully), present the new system to the SA training crew, hang around for a couple of extra hours, finally find a taxi to take me back to the airport, get back to Melbourne later than intended but thankfully still in daylight, have some traumas locating my hire car and then locating the reverse gear but finally get out onto Princes Fwy and power out to Geelong, get out just in time for dinner with the southern Sales team (most of whom I have not actually met face to face up until now but most of whom I have spoken to fairly regularly for the past almost-four years so it's pretty weird), drive two of the slightly inebriated sales guys back to the hotel and finally check in myself, too. Stay up too late reading The Time Traveler's Wife. Crash into bed.
Wednesday 28th: Get up nice and early so as to enjoy delicious bircher muesli. Yes, that's right, that bircher muesli. God, it's so good. Anyway. Eat bircher with a couple of workmates, head to North Shore for southern QPM (quarterly planning meeting), sit around for most of it, get up and do my bit about the new system (including a very good impersonation of my boss at the beginning), chill out afterwards in the southern customer service team's little area, watch this crazy storm roll in, run out to shut someone's car windows for them because I actually love rain that much, laugh as the hail starts and think that I'm pretty lucky to have just gotten back inside in time to miss that, wait for the QPM to finish, vote with the rest of the gang that golf can't really be on for the afternoon any more (sorely disappointed in this because had a promise from the regional business manager that I could drive a buggy around all afternoon... one of my life's dreams...), end up going ten pin bowling, realise I am not as good at ten pin bowling as I think I am, leave early to drive back to Melbourne in time to catch my plane home, get in to Brisbane a bit later than planned but nonetheless get home finally, exhausted, hello bed.
Thursday 29th: first day back at work after only three work days away but feels like ages, really weird. Get through the day on only four hours sleep (I stayed up to almost finish the book; it's okay, I finished it on my lunch break) and then get driven to a workmate's farewell dinner by another workmate, which is very handy, so my old sales manager (who is now a regional manager and still attractive to me if anyone remembers Copes) and I get our drink on and remark on various ridiculous things all night which is very entertaining to the both of us and some of the other people we are having dinner with (my favourite part; Copes thinking that the German waitress was French and throwing out little French words here and there, ie: "Here is your drink, sir" "Merci" ajkdlfa), get dropped home and collapse into bed.
Okay, that's it. I'm not going into any more detail. I hate everything about this. Adfjalkd not really. So that's mostly caught up. Since Friday afternoon when I got home from work, I have barely left the house. I have sat/laid on my bed and watched a lot of the Mighty Boosh, I have done not much else. This morning at 11:30am I got a call from my boss.
POC: "Hey... what are you up to?"
Me: "Not... much... WHY. :|"
POC: "We uhhhh... something in the background didn't happen in the system transition... we need to key in 2370232837 orders to get them into the new pricing format... uhhhh..."
Me: T________T
POC: "Hey pick up some snacks on your way in! I'll give you money for them when you get here! See you soon!"
Me: T________________T
So I worked for five hours today, mindless data entry. It's a Sunday so I'm holding them to some fucking double time pay! Or some other kind of sweet-ass payoff! Seriously. Still, it's probably a good thing that I got out of the house for at least some of the weekend... even if it was to go to work. Ouch, that's such a blow. Okay, I'm going back to contemplating next year's journal name (purged suggestions? or anyone got anything great lying around?) and watching some more Boosh. Also flickr-uploading photos from the wedding forwards, before I get too far behind!
For the month of DECEMBER:
DVD to watch: Do I really need to say it. BOOSH?
Movie to see: I can't wait for Boxing Day movies!
Celeb to crush on: Ahhh damnit Noel Fielding. He's all angles.
Book to read: The Almost Moon, Alice Sebold.
LJer to ♥:
frock, I thought of you many a time during the election. I just thought you should know. ♥ Also
givemehistory for visiting, sory.
Commit to this: Keep walking! Find a name! Do some stuff!
Tune to jive to: It's unfortunate that all I have stuck in my head right now is Eels.