Oh great. Missed
this yesterday, so thanks to
Zoe Williams' article about the slanderous talk of benefit cheat "muggers" for pointing me in that direction.
"People who inform on benefit cheats could be given a share of the resulting savings to the state under proposals being examined by Labour's manifesto team.
The idea has been put to Ed Miliband, Labour's manifesto co-ordinator, by Jim Murphy, the Scottish secretary, as a way of making life harder for benefit cheats....
Although some will see the proposals as wildly impractical or socially divisive, others say they will encourage white, working-class voters to stay loyal to Labour."
And then a thousand fraud investigation officers looked at their overflowing in-trays and their 300 unread emails and wept.
Yeah. I hope this doesn't get off the ground. I like EMil but I'm not going to be trusting Labour just yet.
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