Lazy... copy and pasted from MySpace blog, haha:
I just remembered that I wrote this down, two weeks ago, and I feel like posting it. So, blast from the recent past:
So, here I am, sitting in an Amtrak station in Sacramento, California. It's almost 3pm on September 23rd, 2008, and, for the first time in just about as far as I can remember, I'm just... happy... content... for no reason: no drugs, no alcohol, no company, no new clothes. I'm just sitting here, eating some Starbursts and listening to the Beatles, and I'm pretty ok with that. I've got plenty of shit to worry about, some of which is time sensitive, but I just can't be bothered by stressing over it, right now. Finally, all of the wandering and wondering and soul searching and self realizations are paying off. I feel new... and, while I know this journey is far from over, this is a very refreshing point to reach. Also, Max is way my new favorite person, for his generous Lemon-Lime + Strawberry X-Factor Gatorade and assorted popcorn contributions. And, you know, the bed and vodka. Those were also good. Many thanks, Max.
Onwards, to the present:
Now, I'm sitting in Richee's room, glad that I finally have my laptop back (left it at Andrea's apartment, in San Rafael, for about a week and a half). We've mostly been eating KFC and sitting around, but we've done some more interesting stuff, too. Folsom Street Fair, for example: MEGA AWESOME. Alright, alright, we witnessed, on the streets of San Francisco, one man bend another man over some recycling bins, piss into his ass, and lick it out... and then they made out. Fantastic? I think yes. Aaaand then the alcohol consumption ensued... a few times. Then there have been zoo adventures with Kelly, forest picnic things, movie times, some beach frolics, McDonalds visits, etc. And, best of all, Como Me Lele.... So, I guess Richee can be my new favorite person, too... because he also provided me with popcorn and booze... and a nest of blankets.
I'll move onto LA, eventually....
*Edit: Alright, Jeremy is also my favorite person.... I just kind of left the pre-California parts of this journey out of this entry.